Sunday, March 04, 2007

Blessing # 4 Amazing Women

All around me are amazing women. They are singles, they are married, some are moms and some are grandmas some just are fantastic.

I am privileged to witness almost daily the beauty and strength that amazing women add to my life.

Today in response to an unspoken need, I watched a young woman surrounded by friends without question or judgement as we prayed and counselled her through a situation. I see daily women who are passionate about what they do, be it parenting or Medicine. I see a young person who is so diligent that she would drive for hours to be on time to a rehearsal. Or an amazing woman of faith who doesn't just talk, but puts her beliefs, values and faith into action to accomplish a feat few could achieve all for the benefit of others.

This last woman is a pastor at my church. Her name is Kimberly Sabourin, and she will be participating in a massive fundraiser for Cancer research.

When women gather together, they are a changing force for good.

If you would like to get in on the action. Support Kimberly Sabourin as she walks 60 Km!!!

You go Girls!


Trayce said...

That's an uncredible thing that Kim is doing! I have been thinking about walking, but I just don't know if I could Raise $2,000. I would love to do it though. It's something that I've been wanting to do for some time. Maybe I should just do it! What if I cannot raise that amount of money though. Also, I don't know anyone with breast cancer. Do you think that matters?

Anonymous said...

tracy... you could do whatever you set your mind to! i have no doubt


Trayce said...

Were you in need of a change? This is a pretty and fresh new look :)

Donna said...

Yes Pastor Kim is really great and so are you Laura!