Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Blessing # 5

I am so thankful to God for the people He has bought into my life!!

The coolest part of being from such a diverse family as the Family of God, is the people you get to hang out with! People from all walk, backgrounds, skill levels and demographics. There are stay-at-home moms with the skills to run major corporations, PhD students, Armed Forces personnel, leaders in Government, Finance, Real Estate, SKILLED WEB DESIGNERS!!!! ... the list goes on and on.

I was thinking of all my CLOSEST circle of friends, and thinking through many different situations in life. I couldn't think of a single life circumstance (good or bad) that I could walk through where I would be completely without expert advice.

Thank you Lord for making us completely individual and unique but united in one family.


Carrie said...

You are so right. There are so many incredible individuals in the body of Christ who are amazing people. Not only do they have the same beliefs as us, but they have talents and abilities that are God given and are used for Him.
What an incredible thing to have...friends.

Donna said...

Laura I like the new look of your blog. It reminds me that spring is just around the corner.

Laura said...

That is why 'we' chose it. Spring is on its way!