Thursday, March 15, 2007

OK OK OK I feel the LOVE!

Tracy! My friend...... has proven to me that she is committed to commenting! To the tune of 20 comments!

You are an investor Tracy..... I love that you know how much comments can uplift a blogging girl's day. It feels pretty great to see "20 comments" beside a blog.... even if it IS a shameless plea for attention!!!!!!!!!!

I also learned that there cyber-spectators who read but never comment! I love it!


Trayce said...

Awe Laura.... anytime :)

I know! But what is with those cyber-spectators who read but never comment? I wanna know WHY! I feel like doing a survey or something.

Love ya friend,

Trayce said...

PS: Laura, you've gotta get facebook. You'll definitely feel the love there!

I took the plunger last night!