Monday, March 26, 2007

My Facebook realization

Within the last 3 weeks my view of the world has changed. Not the global world just my world. I began to hear about 'FACEBOOK'. I began to watch it suck time and productivity from the co-workers around me. I saw as they looked at (and mocked) pictures of other's friends and got a private glimpse into their lives.

I thought that Facebook was a bad idea. Not in and of itself, but for me personally. There are those around who already think that I share too much of who I am through this blog, and while I understand their point I make sure to keep this blog separate from other aspects of my world.

To me, Facebook was ANOTHER layer of exposure that I didn't really want. And then it began...... I started to connect with people I hadn't seen in a long time, see the people in common. I was still hesitant though to put my picture up and really get involved. I said that I wanted to keep work and personal separate, and that was true... but what I found myself Really Thinking was, "I don't live my life the way other people I work with do and I don't want their content to be linked with mine".

I was concerned about 'my image' and 'my brand' if you will. I realized that I didn't want my church friends to think that I associated on a personal level with some of the poeple at work, whose lifestyles don't represent who I am.

I realized this morning though, that Jesus wasn't afraid to tarnish His image, He wasn't afraid of what others might think. He simply went out, hung out and changed people's lives.

This doesn't mean that I have to go and do what they do, but I will now count it an honour when someone from work, invites me into their network, it means that those who need the Lord, have a connecting point through my life.

I loved what Pastor Barry said yesterday in the service about the Nails. "If this sanctuary is filled with Christians, we are not going to do the play anymore" . It was his call to us to fill the pews with those who NEED to hear the message of the Cross.

1 comment:

Donna said...

You are a light in the darkness Laura. We have all been in the darkness ourselves and I know I am thankful for the light that shone through to me. What a blessing you are to this world.