Friday, March 02, 2007


Today's Blessing is my Roommate!
I have the best roommate in the world. She is fun and funny and clean and she puts up with my messiness!
The reason she is today's blessing is because last night she was away! I thought this would be a good break and I could do all the things people do when in a suddenly empty house.... you know...... sleep with the bedroom door open.... empty closets... stuff like that.
Instead, the house felt empty, lonely and I could hear every little noise and felt very exposed with the door open!
I am grateful for the provision of God who brings just the right people into our lives at just the right time!


~Steph~ said...

Hey Laura!

having a roommate is definitely a blessing! i miss having my apartment with my old roommie! now i have a little sister and 2 dogs instead... enough said! lol anyways, i just wanted to let you know that i saw the pics from your trip and they're awesome!! The place you stayed @ was very pretty! I hope that you got all the rest and relaxion that you needed :) have an awesome day!

Me said...

Laura, it sounds seems like the same feeling I get when the kids go away. You think about all the nice things about not having to cook and clean and referee for them, but about two hours after they are gone, you just start to feel the emptiness. Weired Eh?