Saturday, March 24, 2007

Girly Girls and Manly Men

Tonight I had an amazing time! We had a games night at Tracy and Aerie's.

I thought that this meant we were going to be playing board games. Instead, we played poker (for no money) and then the girls played the game of getting our pictures taken. I felt like a kid again! We giggled and laughed and goofed around, and the men talked about guy stuff. Then we we did what every group of people do. We spent close to an hour sitting on the floor in the front foyer with our coats on having the most indepth conversation of the whole NIGHT!!!

I love getting to know "new" people and learning more about those I have known for a long time!

Love it.

1 comment:

Trayce said...

It was a lot of fun. Sarah was just saying that she doesn't think we have ever played a full game on game night at my place, hehehe. It's true. Well you guys did play cards :)

Laura you are so much fun! You are so full of life and I just love being around you. I'm so glad that you came over last night and it's been so nice getting to know you even more. Last night was the most fun I have had in weeks!

I love ya!

PS: If only my bathrooom makeup station had been clean..... ah!