Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Blessing # 14

I had the amazing privilege of spending time with one of the ladies from work. She is a fabulous beautiful woman who is 21 and figuring out her life. I admire her beauty and desire for greatness. I am inspired by her youthful idealism-anything is possible in her world, and more than that she 'deserves' the best.

Mostly though, I am humbled by God's grace, that He has given me wisdom to speak into her life. It is interesting to see when someone really 'hears' what you have to say. I feel like given the right people around her, she could catapult over all of our previous mistakes and take her life to a whole level we in our healing process can only dream about.

AND... she is not a Christian.... please pray for her

1 comment:

Donna said...

What a privilege she has with a friend like you speaking and praying in to her life.