Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tangible music!

I am totally on a high right now! I went to see Josh Groban tonight!! It was the MOST AMAZING concert EVER!!

He is equal parts showman and personable human being. He showed little touches that put us all over the top... he sang his encore "You raise me up" with a SENATORS jersey on!! LOVE THAT.

He is passionate about Africa and it comes through in his music... and we love him for it!!!

The coolest thing happened. I was in my company's box (that's how I got the tickets) and a stage manager came by and told us that Josh was going to be walking up our aisle!!
We were at the top of the first level by the doors and he was waiting there to enter after a break!!! I was 5 Feet from him!!!! I followed the rules and turned off my flash, so the pictures didn't work out... but it is all about the memories!! LOVE IT
This was one of the most PROFOUND musical experiences of my life!
Morning after follow up!
Last night I could hardly sleep! The residual from the concert was amazing! There was a moment that I missed an opportunity for a really great picture. While Josh was waiting behind the doors to come down our aisle, he was literally standing outside the door to the suite I was in. During the whole song before he came down all I could think was "go out the door". I didn't and I missed a great opportunity. All last night, I just kept thinking "why didn't I go out that door?" Then I realized that I was allowing that one thing to rob me from the whole rest of the experience. BUT then.... I began to remember that he is "just a man" (as the song says) and that really all the Glory goes to God because He thought of music. I began to remember all the song lyrics that alluded to God and His love and the need for forgiveness. I don't know if Josh is a Christian, but it doesn't matter the music still reaches the heavens.
The Nooma video we watched on Friday night talked about the Name of God. In the original language it is just breathed because the Name of God is made up of all vowels. I began to thank God for the gift of music and that something so grand, apart from being a tool to worship God, is an amazing experience. I love how music reaches into your very soul. Good music brings you to the throne room of God.
The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it!
If we are silent even the rocks will begin to cry out to the Glory of His Name!!

Vacation Pictures

Scroll Down past Jennifer Hudson!

This is Part 1

Sunday, February 25, 2007

And the award goes to....

Tonight as I was watching the Oscars, there was one moment that stuck out. When Jennifer Hudson won for "Dreamgirls" the first words out of her mouth were
"Look what God can do!!"
Let's decide to expand our expectation of what God can do!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Deerhurst ROCKS!!!

Here are SOME of the pictures from my trip!
(I have not yet mastered the multiple pic post)

Snow covered Rocks- the best of the Canadian Sheild!

This is the Sunset that inspired the Poem.

It was amazing to drive east toward the sun because one second the sun would be dipped down below the hills and then I would turn a corner and the sky was dusky blue without any red. I have never seen anything like it.

I spent 3 amazing nights at Deerhurst Resort.
It is near Huntsville and has an amazing sense of history without feeling old.

This is the beautiful Lobby

There are many amazing activities to take in at Deerhurst. One of the coolest things to do is take a tour in this modified Hummer. I didn't go on the tour, however, the truck sat out the front of the main building. There was a video that showed the Hummer in motion with snow up to the grill!

The accomodations are amazing. I stayed in a Villa with a Kitchenette and Living Room.
You know a girl needs her Products! This is the Bathroom! It had a beautiful Jacuzzi tub that I made MUCH use of!
This is the first of the pictures. Stay tuned for more to come

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's in the details, Baby!

There is an old quote "the difference between a Vase and a Vahze is about $500.00"

I have had the most amazing day! It started with a trip to the spa. A beautiful experience right down to the silk flower resting on each bed as I entered each room. After I had a mud wrap, there is a big beautiful shower, when I came out, the room was cleaned and there was a hair brush and spray on anti-perspirant!!!

Dinner tonight was amazing. It wasn't easy to sit alone in a large restaurant but man oh man was it worth it!! Beautiful bread, amazing steak and then to top it all off...... Dessert.

Occasionally when you have an expensive meal, there is an underlying disappointment. There is such a high expectation that it is easy to be disappointed. Ask me to pay $8.00 for dessert and I think you MUST be out of your mind!! BUT THIS.... work of art was amazing...... the Best Creme Brule I have EVER HAD!!!!

It is these details that make the difference- I LOVE IT!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Today I Chased the Sunset

I chased the sunset today in an attempt to capture the vastness of its beauty
As I traversed the hills and conquered corners

I am forced to complete my journey knowing that the sunrise cannot be caught
But rather that it steps beyond my reach

It is like the dreams of my heart

I chase the dreams each day in an attempt to see the vastness of the Glory of God
I traverse and persevere hoping each corner will hold

I hope that it holds the key

What is it that I seek? This uncapturable dream?
I seek the joy of a day after another day after

Each day after contains the knowing, the knowing that cannot be achieved

We cannot see the depth or the height or
Or can we?

We can understand that the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it
We can grasp the love that He holds for us

I cannot understand the magnitude of the thoughts He has for me
I choose to shut out the conflict of a life unfulfilled.
But when I shut out the conflict, I shut out the One who says “Peace”

“Be at Peace in who I created you to be
Celebrate the joy, feel the hurt but know Me

Hear Me, my heart beats with yours
I have made you, every corner stuffed with memories
Every wide-eyed moment of thanks, it was all my idea”

So I stand waiting, with empty hands, and an open heart
Looking for the first glimpses of light

I know that with the sunrise, it begins again another race, another chance to
Chase the sunset

I wrote this today, as I was driving West it felt like I was chasing the sunset. If I had set out to chase the sunset, my journey would have been a failure. How often I find myself merely chasing sunsets and forget just to pause and acknowledge its majesty.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Friends and Fun Times

I have some really great friends, I have family, and then there are those people who are more than friends, but who don't share the same blood, but they might as well be family.

Amanda is one of those people. I refer to her as my "little sister". More than that though I think of her as my little sister. Her joys are my joys, her pains are my pains and when she breaks up with someone.... I get to tell her that he wasn't good enough for her anyway!!! :-)

Last night was her 25th birthday!!

We got a chance to celebrate her in her new apartment, and I got to meet all the people that are important to her.

I love how God brings people together and creates a bond.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's day!!!!

Today it is my prayer that each of you has someone who will tell you that you are the most important person in thier life. It is so much fun to watch others get all excited!!

Interestingly, this Valentine's day has not been a problem. In other years I have been miserable that I didn't have someone to lavish me with gifts. I have not had a Valentine since I was about 16- it just happens that way!

Today it occurred to me that I look at Valentine's Day like a holiday for a religion that I don't practice. I know it sounds odd but follow me here. During the Holidays occasionally I hear a "happy Hannukah", I am not saddened that I don't celebrate, nor am I offended that they included me in their good wishes, rather, I love to see people who are excited and waiting for a good thing to come.

I would be lying to you if I told you that I never want to be lavished with love on Valentine's day, or that at some point it would be great to have absurdly expensive flowers delivered to my desk making everyone jealous. For now though, I am happy to celebrate others' love!

Just feeling this way is a complete breakthrough, and an amazing testimony to God's healing and working in my life - that and I got an email from my Daddy saying he was thinking about me today!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Win Win Win... and I didn't have to play the game!!!

Many times, we have an idea that we pray about and get the 'go ahead' from God. We begin to form and idea in our minds and follow the course that based on that idea. Often we assume that the orignial idea is God's answer and that the end result will look a certain way.. sometimes that is right. More often though, the original idea is the catalyst for a thought process that leads us to God's perfect will.

So often though we are SO committed to the original idea that there is no room for God to lead us in another way. It is in the waiting and leaving space for God to move that we find the true leading.

Here is a perfect example:

As you know I have been looking for a great Vacation.

There were 4 Main needs that I had for a vacation.... Beyond these 3 I truly didn't care.

1) Relaxation
2) Safety
3) Warmth
4) Value for money

In my mind, this meant a last minute cruise. These are safe, predictible, and WARM and relaxing. As you know though I don't have a passport. During the long wait, I was both adamant about doing what was needed to follow through on God's prompting and tempted to take the closed doors as meaning that I wasn't really supposed to go!


Except that the enemy is STUPID and doesn't realize this isn't my first time around this mountain!!

There was a peace in my heart about going on this trip and I knew that I needed it even more than I wanted it!

I searched so may different options and brainstormed, always keeping in mind the objectives I had set for the vacation. I finally found the PERFECT spot. There is a resort in the Muskokas, along the water that offers amazing scenery. I know, I know it is not warm...or is it??? I booked a Villa with a Fireplace, a Jacuzzi, and livingroom. The resort has a beautiful spa... and the piece de resistance... DOG SLEDDING. I am going to spend 3 night sleeping, walking, reading and just being.

This option is completely safe, has warmth from the fireplace, the beauty of nature, and more than that..... a great deal. There is a kitchenette, so I will take food and save money. With the benefit of the good deal, I will be able to make repairs to my car that will take me through the rest of the year!

So it is a win, win, win, and I didn't even need to wait for the government to send me my passport! I will have it though for the Next time I want to travel.

The answer to my prayers were much different than I originally pictured, but in His amazing way He gave me above and beyond all I could have asked or imagined!

So remember, the end result doesn't always look the way you thought, but it will ALWAYS exceed your expectations!!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

There is a saying that in our 20's we are learning, in our 30's we acquire, ... I don't recall the other ones, until we get to the 50's & 60's, that is when, the saying goes, we begin to think about our legacy.

In the midst of this acquisition period of my life, I am constantly struck by legacies and the impact of an amazing life lived.
Sport is particularly good about celebrating legacies. Many times when I am in sitting in a sports arena I think of what those players think of as they step onto a the ice or field for the first time. I think about the little boys that became the men who get to live their dreams.
On Friday, I was at the Ottawa 67's game when they celebrated the coach's 2000th game. There were video tributes, and some of the Alumni from the first team that he coached. The picture you see above is the coach, Don Cherry, Ron MacLean, and some other dignitaries, and the captains from the 2 teams participating in the Ceremonial Puck Drop.
During all of the video tributes, the recurring message had very little to do with Hockey, and everything to do with molding young kids into quality adults. There was a passing mention of those who had gone on to play in the NHL, and extended coverage about alumni who had become pillars of the Ottawa community.
If we are to believe the media and the general population you would think that no one is concerned about anything but the best for them. I wonder what would happen if we raised our children to think of their legacy. I suppose we would have to TREAT them as if they carried a legacy. But in their lives.. What would that mean?
Perhaps sales of the Girls Gone Wild video series would drop off because there were no girls willing to flash for a t-shirt and dubious fame. Perhaps young men would look after their sisters and treat their girlfriends better. Perhaps they wouldn't do stupid things that teenagers do.
How would YOUR life be different? What would you pursue in order to define your legacy?
For me, I want the story of my life to be centered around a generosity that was defined by how I shared the gospel.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


OK I have been tagged ( actually I was tagged awhile ago but I didn't get to this until now).

In the spirit of "get to know you" I will make 4 lists and answer some questions

Things I love
Things I hate
Things I want
7 interesting firsts about me

7 Things I love:
I love the laughter of children
I love the sound of running water
I love getting flowers (even from myself)
I love overhearing people saying nice things about me
I LOVE to give gifts
I love spending time just hanging out with my friends

7 Things I hate
I hate injustice
I hate inefficiency
I hate the lies of the enemy
I hate it when people see only my exterior and miss the true me
I hate it when I see only people's exterior and miss the true them
I hate falseness
I hate office politics when rules are unspoken or shifty.

7 Things I want
I want a puppy
I want a husband
I want kids
I want a professional writing gig
I want a vacation
I want my home to be full of love
I want new depths of intimacy with God

7 Firsts
The FIRST time God miraculously moved in my life I was only moments old
My First best friend's name was (and is) Heather, she lived down the street, and now lives in England, we are still in touch
My First time skydiiving was amazing
My first car was bought from my Grandmother who won it at a bank.
My first movie in a Theatre was E.T.
My first dog was a Golden Retriever named Ginger
I bought my First house last year.

Here are the questions:
1. What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why? (Two sentences max)
Selling Cars, I got to interact with people everyday, drive cool cars, and participate in peoples' mjor life decision

2. Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did? (One sentence max)
Run, I used to run around everywhere, as a kid, I loved to be in motion

3. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off? (One sentence max)
Get married- It just never fits in the schedule!!! :-)
I am kidding..... Go back to school and get a degree

4. What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why? (Two sentences max)
I would like to be better at keeping in touch with people, and be better at accomplishing my goals

5. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it, be and what would you hope to learn? (Two more sentences, max)
I would love to take all the great leaders, and put them in room and just watch them work. I think that there is a lot to learn from the way great leaders approach things, no matter whether you agree with their course of action.

6. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?
Generous, Loyal, funny

7. Now list two more words you wish they described you as…
Thin and Married

8. What are your top three passions? (can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes– three sentences max)
God- that one's obvious
Family- I am passionate about seeing the people I love in right relationship with one another and with God
Communicating-I work everyday at communicating. I love communcation whether it is written, spoken formal informal it doesn't matter. When communication is effective it can change the course of history

9. Write–and answer–one more question that YOU would ask someone (with answer in three sentences max)

What did you want to be when you grew up, and why?

I wanted to be a Jet pilot. Probably because my father and brother were into planes. I also knew that it was a male-dominated profession and I wanted to blaze a trail for women.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Updates and Fresh Starts

I cannot believe that it is February 1st already!
This has been quite the year so far, and it is only just begun.

This post will tie up some loose ends that I realized I have left hanging over the last few weeks.

1) Health related: I have been to the doctor, I have a very MINOR thyroid issue that we will be keeping an eye on. It is almost a non-issue that is how minor it is. I am sleeping better since getting the medication- even though I know it has not really had a chance to work as of yet. I suppose just having some resolution reduces the stress- Isn't that ironic!

2) Passport: I have not yet hear back regarding my passport. I have not decided where I am going to go yet. I am having a good time imagining all the fun things that I could do without a passport. I will have to use some creativity to get somewhere warn.

I have a testimony also.

I heard from my Aunt today. She lives in BC and I wish that we spent more time communicating. She has always been a great support and has always believed that I can do anything. She is a woman of diverse interests and talking to her, I always learn something new. I mentioned the article that I wrote for lifecentre.org and she took the time to read it! Although she doesn't attend church I appreciate so much that she was able to set that aside and encourage me in that!! It is so great to have people around who will speak a kind word no matter what.

God is good in His provision and I am looking forward to deeper and deeper things.