Tuesday, October 30, 2007

About a Boy!

The last week or so has been a tough one. There has been a an ongoing situation that needed resolution, but I wasn't willing in my spirit to face the reality that was right in front of me- and everyone else. I had been praying for a time for this situation to resolve itself, and in a couple of quiet ways it could have been resolved... if I had paid attention, and really applied what those around me were saying. However, I just wasn't ready to let go of the hope that was in my heart. I wanted an easy way out that would require nothing of me and not expose me to possible humiliation or awkwardness, but the easy way often doesn't teach us what we need to know. I see now that God was readying my heart for what was to transpire. I wouldn't say that in the previous moments that I missed God or that I was disobedient, rather I would say that God was massaging my heart and conspiring with the angels to bring this about in His timing.

This summer has been an incredible journey of learning and drawing closer to God. One of the main themes was Marriage. I can name probably 10 moments in time, where God has downloaded (there really is no other way to describe it!) truth about what marriage should be. I don't know if you have ever experienced this, sometimes a truth just hits you and goes deep in your heart and something changes... an old idea is removed, peace comes and you know you will never be the same.

When God is doing something He really does it! Usually though, it takes us getting to the end of ourselves.

If you have been reading the last couple of entries, you will see the 'real time' recording of what has been happening in me. Here is the timeline.... over the course of last week, I met with my amazing mentor who reminded me that God's dreams for me are bigger than my dreams for me, received 3 emails saying that holy amazing women were praying for my future spouse-whoever that is, and that they couldn't wait to celebrate along with me. Friday, an amazing time in worship where God showed me that Only He is enough, Then Sunday's message was on Marriage (timely, hmm) , then following a situation that arose God spoke this to my heart! If that was it, that was enough...BUT WAIT there is more of God conspiring!!

This is the BEST part! All this happened on the weekend, it is now Tuesday morning.... already though, I have had 3 opportunities to share with specific people about these topics. Granted I am one of those people who processes out loud, and in real time, but God is ALWAYS faithful when I have experienced a major situation and learned something, He immediately puts people in my path who need to hear it too. So, I am learning, that no matter what I am going through, the faster I 'GET' it, the better it will be for those around me because they will need it too!

Last night, I spent a long time on the phone with an amazing woman whom I love, she was walking through some of the same things that God has been speaking to me about. Where just 48 hours before I was lost and broken and would have had nothing to offer in terms of healthy or helpful advice, I found myself pouring into her the Truth of God for her situation, and in the meantime, becoming more free in my own! That is the Abundance of God!

So really, it ISN'T About a Boy after all! He was simply the bait on the hook, that reeled me into the presence of God so that my life and the lives of those around me can be changed.

What hook has God got you on? What is He trying to teach you? Most importantly, WHO else is He trying to touch with your life?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Do you believe?

What are the deepest desires of your heart?

Do you believe that they are SAFE in the hands of God?

Take a moment, dig deep, do you REALLY truly believe that your dreams are safe in God's hands? Whether you wish you were married, debt-free, with child, or changing the world one life at a time in a job that you dream about... do you believe that your dreams are safe in the hands of God?

The immediate, logical, Christian response is "of course, God loves me, He put those dreams there in the first place." As I dug deeper into the dark recesses of my heart, I realized that I didn't feel like my dreams were safe in His hands. Too many years of hearing lies like "if you want it too much God will take it away" or "if you want to know if God is leading you, just ask yourself 'do I WANT to do what He is leading me to do?' if the answer is NO than it is probably God!" These are destructive lies straight from the pit of hell. Do I think that sometimes God removes things in our lives that are taking our attention off Him? Yep, there's that pesky little commandment "I am a jealous God, thou shalt have no OTHER GOD'S before me!" (paraphrased loosely by me!) Sometimes there are things that are in our lives which take over some of the space that God desires for Himself.

Do I think that occasionally God asks us to do something that sucks? Something that is Scary? Yep, remember Jesus in the garden? We must not, however take a moment of Scripture and build a doctrine on it. Just because Jesus wasn't excited about a grueling death, doesn't mean that everything we do for God has to be gruelling.

As I begin to see the depth of God's love for me, the truth of the salvation offered and the unconditional covenant of love God has with us, I see the error of my ways.

(On a side note, Pastor Jay's message this week on Marriage and what it is supposed to be is worth looking into here.)

I say that I trust God with the desires of my heart but then I whine to my girl-friends that there are no eligible men in the church. I say that I trust God with my finances, then over-spend and stay up at night searching for solutions and opportunities to get out of debt. My actions in no way reflect what I think I know.

God has a habit in my life, of bringing people and situations across my path to speak the truth, kick me in the butt when necessary, and then show me the stupidity of my actions or thought processes! Then, He not-so-subtly taps me on the shoulder and says.... see that? All ME!

Tonight, as I faced yet another roadblock on my journey, I sat with a good friend beside me who hugged me as I cried. She waited until I was done, and then spent time reviewing with me all the ways that God had prepared me for this very moment. While I was feeling stupid for ignoring the signs along the way, she reminded me of all the seemingly random emails I received from women I love who told me that they were praying about this very issue. She reminded me of the encounter I had with God just 2 days ago where He reminded me that only HE is enough. As we sat, an incredible peace overcame me, and no longer was I focused on the hurt, but rather on the truth of the love God has for me.

I see now that my dreams ARE safe in the hands of God... your dreams are safe in the hands of God. It doesn't always have to feel that way, but you know what... feelings aren't truth! I pray that God brings this back to me time and time again, until what I know replaces how I feel.

What is your dream? Does your life reflect the truth about the safety of that dream in the hands of God?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Only God is enough

I have amazing friends who love and support me and I them. They rally around me when I am down and know that they can call when they are in trouble or need. Never in my life have I had so much healthy support. Family is very important to me and since I have a small family, there has been lots of room for 'adoptees'. You know how sometime there are just THOSE people, who you click with right away, you feel like you have been friends forever, and they are of the quality that anytime you meet one of their friends, you instantly accept them because of who they know? It seems that I am surrounded by those people!!

Man, what a privilege!

You know what, though? As much as they love me, and I love them, as much as we support one another, fight for one another and pray for one another..... they are just people. I would never hurt them on purpose, nor they me, EXCEPT sometimes we do hurt one another. Sometimes it hurts if someone doesn't give you the hug you are begging for in your heart but can't bring yourself to ask for, or it hurts when, their joy sheds light on what seems to be missing in your life. This is the reality of living in a sinful world. We are subject to the sin in ourselves and one another.

Only God is enough.....

In this one statement, I can free myself from the pressure of having to be 'super friend', of feeling like I need to meet all their needs (even the unspoken ones I feel like I should have seen). It frees them to be human, it frees me to stop relying so heavily on them-even though they love being needed. As I remind myself that only God is enough... I am free.

When God is enough, everything is just the icing on the cake! Can you imagine how amazing a friendship that would make? What about a family? How about a marriage?


God, give me a revelation that you are enough for me, that you fill every need in my life. Tap me on the shoulder every time I forget!

Friday, October 26, 2007

I Quit

i'm tired...

There is no other way to say it. I have been just tired. Not physically tired, although that has been true as well, but rather, soul-empty weary. There has been so much that has occurred this summer and for the last season of my life, I feel like I have run a marathon everyday. Some days have been easy, and some days have been just plain sucked!

Through it all, God has been there prompting me, supporting me, loving me, stretching me.

The problem is that as much as I thought I was relying on God, it would seem that I wasn't. Tonight I was reminded that God is supposed to be carrying all the load, except when I insist on carrying it myself. Tonight I was in worship and all I wanted to do was lean against the wall and feel its strength and stability.

As I leaned against the wall, I realized that what I have been feeling is that I needed to be strong enough for all the people around me. I needed them to see that in the middle of this extreme walk of faith I have been on, that all was well with me. Except that I have had major questions, and major uncertainties, I was trying to carry it all on my own.

I was reminded tonight that:
He is my Rock,
He is my Fortress, my strength, my deliverer and my salvation.

In the times when I feel like I NEED someone, His love is more extraordinary, more full, more fulfilling.

I had a fuller understanding that even if the best man loved me to the best of any man's ability, it wouldn't be enough to protect me from hurt, it wouldn't be enough. It wouldn't be enough.

Only God is enough.

Until I get that truth embedded in my soul, there is nothing but heartache in store for me.

I am tired, and so I am just going to stop working so hard doing God's job... I officially quit!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Just one more moment in the Sun...

Today is an amazingly beautiful day. After a couple of weeks of rainy and cold weather, I was battening down the hatches for winter. In a city where we almost always have at least one snow fall before Halloween, winter comes quickly and always overstays it welcome! As the weather turns, I begin to admit to myself that the warm days are over, and that winter is soon coming, and inevitably I feel as though I didn't get in enough summer when it was here .

I suppose that we all come out of seasons that we wish we had taken more time to experience. Friends have told me that after they got married, they wished they had done more with their season of singleness. When we are older we wish we had done more with our youth.

The amazing thing about God though, is that He is the creator of the "Indian Summer". At some point, in every transition from summer to the cool of fall, there is a few days of reprieve. We call it "Indian Summer", the leaves are changing colour, everyone is beginning to change their activities to be inside and warm, when we get very warm weather. One last chance to sit out in the sun with our toes warm and the feeling of a stolen moment.

For someone like me who had trouble with the lack of sun in the winter, it feels like a second chance.

I think sometimes God is like that as well. He often gives us that 'one last chance' when all seems lost. The chance to redeem a friendship, learn a lesson, or stop and hear His voice. I think that He is always looking for every opportunity to tie up loose ends in our lives.

Take a moment today, soak up some warmth, and remember that God always makes a way!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What tools do you use?

I recently picked up a book called Lady In Waiting; Becoming God's best while waiting for Mr. Right. Normally, I am pretty much against books whose whole idea is about waiting around to start my life after I get married. I almost didn't buy the book but then the preface said this:

"Lady in Waiting is not about finding the right man, but being the right woman. Thus it focuses on ten qualities of a Godly woman... (Pg 11)"

That is the heart beat that I want to get across to the single ladies around me. There is always another purpose. You hear time and time again that you will find someone when you are content and not looking, or when you are least expecting it. While that is often the case, the more you get told that, the more it becomes formulaic in your mind, and you never truly get to the part about "not looking"!

I have been thinking a lot about being around men, and protecting my heart, and making sure that there are no games, or any of the craziness that comes with singleness. I have been less than successful on the past, and for a while was doing what a some single Christian women do, I began to surround myself with mainly woman. to avoid any issues with men, I spent a season simply connecting with women.

Let's be honest, when you are single, hanging out with just single women doesn't help your chances to find love! However, I also don't want to be 'seeking' out men for the sake of just knowing if they are 'him'. So what is a single girl to do?

One of the Chapters deals with Virtue. As I was reading this Chapter one thought reached out and bit me- or at least that is what it seemed like! (Pg 53) "...whatever you used to "catch" a guy, you must also use to keep him." It went on to say that if you rely solely on games, or manipulation, beauty or deceit, these are the 'tools' that you must employ to keep him long term.

As one who has absolutely 'no game', I have long bemoaned the somewhat arbitrary 'rules' for dating and for this dance that singles do..... "you can't call him tomorrow, make him wait" or "if he hasn't called by Thursday, he doesn't get to see you that weekend". I HATE these partly because I am so bad at it all, but more so because I wouldn't treat my friends that way, so why would I treat a brother in Christ that way -especially if it is someone I think I might be interested in!!!!

So I pondered the 'tools' that I wanted to employ in my singleness to 'attract' the man that God has for me. Please don't misunderstand, I am not out preening and on display looking to 'catch' the man of my dreams, rather, I want to practice the qualities in my life that will be the things God's choice for me will be interested in. Everyone else need not apply. I don't have to worry that my intellect will turn of some guys because it won't turn off the guy!

So here's is what I have determined I will purposefully stock my 'toolbox with':
  • Joy
  • Kindness
  • Generosity
  • Openness
  • Encouragement
  • Hospitality
  • Honesty
  • Humour
  • Gentleness
  • Discretion
  • Godliness
  • Prayer
  • Worship
  • Integrity
  • Authenticity
  • Empathy and
  • Honour

The good news is that employing these tools in my life makes me a better person no matter my status. I can put these to 'work' building the kingdom of God, and seeking God with all my heart. That way, I will be fruitful no matter what.... what a way to WAIT!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I came across an interesting passage today about purity. In my desire to continually be course correcting my day to day walk, I have recently been thinking and reading a lot about purity. Although sexual purity has been a lot of the thought process, it is also good to remember that purity covers a gamut of topics: our motives, our heart, our thoughts as well as our actions.

Physical purity has not been a big struggle in my life and I am grateful for that. But that doesn't mean that I haven't had to struggle in other areas. I suppose that most women know the battle that goes on in the mind to keep those thoughts on the straight and narrow, to ensure that the thoughts of a friend maintain the 'friendship' status in your head.

Another idea that has been dominating my heart lately is this idea that Disciples Serve. Pastor Jason did an amazing job of explaining our responsibilities as Disciples with the sermon found here called Disciple: Washes Feet. This idea that we have all heard 1000 times was simply presented in such a way that it changed my life and I have been seeking new opportunities to serve ever since,

So what does service have to do with Purity?? I am glad you asked....

1 Thessalonians 4:4-6 says:

4that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, 5not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; 6that no one transgress and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you. (ESV emphasis mine)

For the most part, I have been thinking about Purity in terms of the benefits to me, but as with everything with God, it isn't about ME, it is about serving one another!! The kindest thing that I can do for the men around me, is to live a life of purity. The kindest thing that I can do for the women around me is to live a life of purity. In looking out for my brothers and sisters in Christ, I am able to honour God AND protect my own heart... that sounds like a pretty good deal!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

A crowd in the street.

One day last week, I attended a dinner party at a friend's place in an area of town that I had never been before! It is not the swankiest neighbourhood, but it is very established with lots of trees and older homes that have probably seen at least one generation within its walls. This is the type of street that is a wide boulevard, no sidewalks, and few traffic lights. Tree branches hang over the street creating a beautiful canopy across the road.

As I turned the corner I was very surprised. Up the road, I could see, probably 10 people walking around. I thought for a moment that I had happened upon some sort of community event, when I realized that these people were just walking around! At first glance, this doesn't seem to be an extraordinary event, except it was.

I live in the suburbs, as do most of my friends. Many of these friends are young professionals with good jobs and little kids. If I had to guess, I would say that the average age of the homes/neighbourhoods, that I spend most of my time in, is about 10-15 years. In these "planned" communities, there are trees, but they are small, providing more aesthetic beauty than true foliage, the streets are narrow, and driveways small. Most times, by 6 or 7 pm all the babies are tucked into their high-end cribs and the jogger strollers are put away in the garage. The adults are resting on the couch watching their flat-screen TV. People are not talking to one another because they have never met since it is tough to meet someone who simply presses the automatic garage door opener and drives inside!!

The way we set up our lives now, there are no crowds in the street!

I am grateful that where I live now, I have to walk to my car. It is parked around the side of the row of houses. In that short distance, I often see my neighbours, stop to pat a dog I have come to know and laugh at, or just inquire how some one's family is, or trade a quick comment about the hockey game. I know many of my neighbour's names, I know their grand kids names, and I know most of all that if I needed something I could ask. How do I know this?? As a first-time homeowner, I have occasionally had to ask!!

When I talk to my friends whose kids are all tucked up in bed, I often hear that people don't know their neighbours. How sad! How can you celebrate with them? Show concern for them? Or just be in their lives, and how, PLEASE tell me HOW, will they ever know that God loves them and has a community of people waiting to love them?

God, the City Planner

I came across an interesting passage in Ezekiel 48 today.

In this passage God lays out instructions for how the land and the city is to be allocated and laid out. God even goes so far as to say who will be neighbours!!

There is land to be set apart for the Lord, within that, they were to build the "sanctuary of the LORD" and it was to border on the land given to the priests. Each tribe was allocated land as they had need. A portion was to be set aside for the prince and a portion for a 'community garden' to feed the city workers. When you begin to look at these elements it becomes obvious that God has a plan for how we are to be in community together.

Isn't amazing that the God of the universe, with all the He has on His mind, would take time to plan out the neighbourhood for His chosen people. When you look deeper, it becomes clear that until this century, people's natural tendency was to organize themselves in this way.

Think about it.... Small rural towns, all over the continent looked about the same. Church at the centre, the church manse beside, parkland in the centre and some sort of community garden.

Can WHERE we live, impact HOW we live??

It seems to me that the more "big box" monstrosities that go up, and the further they are away from our homes, the more it disconnects us from the community that we are to be a part of. Gone are the days of Corner convenience stores where kids begin to learn independence by running to get milk, or sharing their 'fun money' with their friends. Kids no longer walk to the school down the street.

Is it possible that by disconnecting from our communities, that we are disconnecting some important part of ourselves??

Thursday, October 11, 2007

How may I serve you?

What would happen if we began to serve one another?

What would change in the lives of those around us if we treated each other the way that we would treat someone we were trying to impress?

Recently the Lord has been speaking to me about finding different ways to serve those around me. This has nothing to do with more time commitments or commitees! I am passionate about having those around me feel loved and supported. By doing life together, I can ensure that people who cross my path feel served and like they deserve the best.

Is there an intentional action that you take to ensure that others feel served?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This thanksgiving, I made a turkey for the first time. I also hosted dinner, and had all the people around me who were 'short on family' over to my house. We laughed and ate, and everyone contributed something to the meal.

At the end of it all, when most of the dishes were done -thanks to my amazing roommate- and the furniture back in place, I finally sat down. I was bone tired, mostly just from being on my feet all day. Yes I was tired, but only physically, in my heart I felt so filled up. To know that people had enjoyed themselves and that they had a good meal, and took home some leftovers.... what a feeling!!

I have discovered that I love to entertain. I am always so honoured when people choose to come to my home. I love it when they feel at home!

My home is a busy one, with 2 roommates and a plethora of friends who do crazy things like drop by to watch prison break on the way home from a course. Or this story:I was in the bath last week and I heard my very good friend Amanda's voice outside the bathroom door. She had knocked on the front door and come in. Thinking I was in the shower, she installed herself on my couch and waited. When she realized I was going to be in the tub longer than she thought (I was settling in for a LONG soak) she came up and let me know she was there!! LOVE IT! It turns out that while she was waiting for me on my couch, my other roommate came up the stairs (they have never met) and said Hi and continued on his way. You know you have a busy house, when the presence of a stranger on the couch doesn't raise ANY red flags!

I am constantly reminded that in my singleness, there are opportunities everyday to serve those around me, and that as I intentionally pour out my time and talents to others, that is where I am most fulfilled, and content.

For that I am thankful.

Friday, October 05, 2007

A Strange Conversation

Yesterday, just after reading this, I went off to the grocery store with it still in my mind.

As I was reading a magazine in the checkout, one of the guys from my old job stopped me and we got chatting. He is a new dad for the second time, and we talked about that. At one point in the conversation he said "So, I heard you had a big one!" I was TOTALLY confused, and asked him to clarify. He thought that I had a BABY! I corrected him, assumed that he thought I was someone else (we were never really that close), and updated him on what I am doing now. We had a nice chat and then parted ways.

Now, the reality is I was ushered out of my old job somewhat suddenly for reasons that still defy logic. Suffice it to say that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to anyone. All he knows is that one day I was there, the next I wasn't.

As is often the case when someone makes a surprising comment, I began to outline in my mind why he might have thought that. The obvious is that he mistook me for another lady who did have a baby.

I began to wonder what in my weight before I left would have made him think that. But then I realized that if he thought that I just had a baby his initial reaction was that I probably looked REALLY great for just having given birth!!! At that point I had to stop myself from going down a dangerous path in my mind-it caught me so off guard. This is definitely a weak area in my life where I have to be careful not to spend any energy taking things personally!

In light of everything else going on and sometimes feeling like everyone just sees me as "the single girl", I choose to just enjoy the fact that there are those who just assume that I am 'marriage and mother' material.

Do you have a weak area that you have to protect lest you read into every comment?

Has it really???

I stopped this morning and realized that the ONE-Year mark of my blogging experience had come and gone and I didn't notice!

Well.... Happy Birthday to "Me!"

Many of you may not know how I came to be part of the blogging world so here's the story. I had had a particularly hard day at work, was feeling COMPLETELY overwhelmed by the way my life wasn't going!

Then I recieved an email that would change my life. Lori Boucher sent me an email inviting me to read her 'Blog'. I had not idea what a blog even was! As I read, there was something about this platform, that I really liked and I decided that I needed a blog as well.

I chose a name, I chose a background and off I went. I destinctly recall the feeling when I pressed 'PUBLISH' the first time I even remember where I was. It was very exhilerating to put something out there for the world to see. And then came the scary part! I had to tell someone!

Writing has been one of my strengths for a long time, however I was often too shy to share it with anyone outside of cards, and speeches. But I took a BIG risk, I sent an email to a few people with my heart pounding and waited.

There is something so vulnerable about that moment- but it felt right!

When I began, I truly didn't think that this was going to last. I tend to be a person who goes gung-ho at the begining and then tapers off. I think, like so many things in my life, that having someone to share the experience with was key to my success. And like so many things in my life, that person is Lori! With Lori's disciplned approach to blogging, there was always a bit of healthy competition -if she's posted, I should too!- and it served me well in that Blogging became part of my routine.

As I review some of the posts, I can vividly recall the event around what I was writing. From world events, to thoughful moments that the Lord took the opportunity to grow me in a certain area. It is amazing to see the process and

I am amazed to think back on all of the relationships, experiences, and truth that I have learned from being part of this community of bloggers. Words cannot express the privilege it is to speak into so many lives, even just for a moment each day!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

A Scheduled Cry

There has been a lot going on recently. Very emotional stuff, and I am being stretched, and my faith is being enlarged. Prayers are being answered and God is good. There are days though, I have to fight the urge to crawl onto the couch, hiding away in my sweats and eat sweets, and there are days when I have reached the end of my ability to fight.

It used to be when I had so much going on, that I wouldn't allow myself to stop. I was afraid that if I stopped and FELT what was going on, I wouldn't have the ability to stop the dam from breaking.

The other day, though, I had a jam-packed day. All day out, an unexpected visit to the car dealership for expensive repairs, then coffee with a friend and an evening obligation. Through it all, I was feeling more and more like I just needed a good cry!

So, in the 45 minute gap between the dealership and coffee, I went home, and scheduled half an hour to cry!! I prayed and wept, and journalled, and then when my time was up, I wiped my eyes, brushed my teeth and off I went to the next thing.

That moment in time, when I allowed myself to feel what I was feeling, and then turn it over to the Lord, gave me the strength I needed to make it through- in fact, I felt refreshed!

Isaiah 40:28-31
28Have you not known? Have you not heard?The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.
29He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.
30Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted;
31but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles;they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Do you ever schedule a time to just cry???