Tuesday, October 30, 2007

About a Boy!

The last week or so has been a tough one. There has been a an ongoing situation that needed resolution, but I wasn't willing in my spirit to face the reality that was right in front of me- and everyone else. I had been praying for a time for this situation to resolve itself, and in a couple of quiet ways it could have been resolved... if I had paid attention, and really applied what those around me were saying. However, I just wasn't ready to let go of the hope that was in my heart. I wanted an easy way out that would require nothing of me and not expose me to possible humiliation or awkwardness, but the easy way often doesn't teach us what we need to know. I see now that God was readying my heart for what was to transpire. I wouldn't say that in the previous moments that I missed God or that I was disobedient, rather I would say that God was massaging my heart and conspiring with the angels to bring this about in His timing.

This summer has been an incredible journey of learning and drawing closer to God. One of the main themes was Marriage. I can name probably 10 moments in time, where God has downloaded (there really is no other way to describe it!) truth about what marriage should be. I don't know if you have ever experienced this, sometimes a truth just hits you and goes deep in your heart and something changes... an old idea is removed, peace comes and you know you will never be the same.

When God is doing something He really does it! Usually though, it takes us getting to the end of ourselves.

If you have been reading the last couple of entries, you will see the 'real time' recording of what has been happening in me. Here is the timeline.... over the course of last week, I met with my amazing mentor who reminded me that God's dreams for me are bigger than my dreams for me, received 3 emails saying that holy amazing women were praying for my future spouse-whoever that is, and that they couldn't wait to celebrate along with me. Friday, an amazing time in worship where God showed me that Only He is enough, Then Sunday's message was on Marriage (timely, hmm) , then following a situation that arose God spoke this to my heart! If that was it, that was enough...BUT WAIT there is more of God conspiring!!

This is the BEST part! All this happened on the weekend, it is now Tuesday morning.... already though, I have had 3 opportunities to share with specific people about these topics. Granted I am one of those people who processes out loud, and in real time, but God is ALWAYS faithful when I have experienced a major situation and learned something, He immediately puts people in my path who need to hear it too. So, I am learning, that no matter what I am going through, the faster I 'GET' it, the better it will be for those around me because they will need it too!

Last night, I spent a long time on the phone with an amazing woman whom I love, she was walking through some of the same things that God has been speaking to me about. Where just 48 hours before I was lost and broken and would have had nothing to offer in terms of healthy or helpful advice, I found myself pouring into her the Truth of God for her situation, and in the meantime, becoming more free in my own! That is the Abundance of God!

So really, it ISN'T About a Boy after all! He was simply the bait on the hook, that reeled me into the presence of God so that my life and the lives of those around me can be changed.

What hook has God got you on? What is He trying to teach you? Most importantly, WHO else is He trying to touch with your life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pride, my friend. He's teaching me about pride and how destructive it is. When I was keeping secrets, He wasn't really able to minister to anyone through my situation, hopefully - now that the truth is out there - I've untied His hands. We're always learning when our hearts are willing.