Friday, October 05, 2007

Has it really???

I stopped this morning and realized that the ONE-Year mark of my blogging experience had come and gone and I didn't notice!

Well.... Happy Birthday to "Me!"

Many of you may not know how I came to be part of the blogging world so here's the story. I had had a particularly hard day at work, was feeling COMPLETELY overwhelmed by the way my life wasn't going!

Then I recieved an email that would change my life. Lori Boucher sent me an email inviting me to read her 'Blog'. I had not idea what a blog even was! As I read, there was something about this platform, that I really liked and I decided that I needed a blog as well.

I chose a name, I chose a background and off I went. I destinctly recall the feeling when I pressed 'PUBLISH' the first time I even remember where I was. It was very exhilerating to put something out there for the world to see. And then came the scary part! I had to tell someone!

Writing has been one of my strengths for a long time, however I was often too shy to share it with anyone outside of cards, and speeches. But I took a BIG risk, I sent an email to a few people with my heart pounding and waited.

There is something so vulnerable about that moment- but it felt right!

When I began, I truly didn't think that this was going to last. I tend to be a person who goes gung-ho at the begining and then tapers off. I think, like so many things in my life, that having someone to share the experience with was key to my success. And like so many things in my life, that person is Lori! With Lori's disciplned approach to blogging, there was always a bit of healthy competition -if she's posted, I should too!- and it served me well in that Blogging became part of my routine.

As I review some of the posts, I can vividly recall the event around what I was writing. From world events, to thoughful moments that the Lord took the opportunity to grow me in a certain area. It is amazing to see the process and

I am amazed to think back on all of the relationships, experiences, and truth that I have learned from being part of this community of bloggers. Words cannot express the privilege it is to speak into so many lives, even just for a moment each day!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you began and more glad that you didn't 'taper off'. I enjoy your perspective. I read you and it's just like sitting beside you. I can hear your voice reading the post to me inside my head (along with all the other voices?? no worries - it's all good). Lori suggested I do the same. I suggested she give her head a shake. Then a couple of months later... Please do keep it up.

Donna said...

Thank you Laura for your blog. I enjoy the sharing you do here. Happy B Day.