Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Plateaus have Great views

There has been much discussion within "The Blogger's Guild" (this is an unofficial band of women within TLC who blog) about the journeys we have been on and how God has been bringing us to a deeper place in Him.

Every once in a while I know that there are Plateau in our walk with God. Those places of rest after a long struggle to conquer the next thing God has us to conquer. I know that these are important places of rest and resupply for the next push to the summit.

It is easy however to forget that these places are temporary stopping points on a journey. If we stay there we die-harsh I know but true. In the natural, climbers don't take enough supplies to stay in any one spot for too long. In our spiritual life, however, there is a temptation to have that "I've arrived" feeling about what we have just walked through.

When I first started Blogging, I was on an upward climb. What I was experiencing in my life was tough slugging. I was climbing. Then I reached a resting point. A point where I can see the sights, amaze at the wonder of God, and be happy with the progress I am making. Here's the thing though. If you have ever stood midway up a mountain ir a hill, in order to see where you have come from requires that you turn and put your back to the mountain. This effectively blocks the summit from your sight!! I have spent too long revelling in where He has brought me up from, that I had temporarily forgotten that there is another journey ahead.

I cannot even imagine the personal fortitude it takes in the natural for a climber to set aside what has gone before and to mentally prepare for what will most likely be an even more difficult climb ahead. I know though, spiritually what it is taking for me to fix my eyes on the goal and to ready myself for the next level.

Like many of you God is calling me to another level.

More to come!!

*Paul Huggins took the picture at Mount Tremblant


Trayce said...

That's excellent! So beautifully said. Thanks Laura.

That is an breathtaking photo that Paul took.

Me said...

Wow, this is really a year for change insn't it? I enjoy the little resting spots that God provides. Even though I am blessed to have become more and more a women of God, being worked on is exhausting!