Friday, August 03, 2007

Stephen Baldwin.... yep, THAT Stephen Baldwin

Stephen Baldwin the actor was one of the speakers! I was excited to hear about him and what God has done in his life. Before we get into that though, it HAS to be said that my "degrees of Separation" to Kevin Bacon had reduced significantly. For those who don't know what I am talking about, there is a theory that everyone in the world is connected within six degrees from everyone else in the world. Everyone you meet ever, you theoretically should be able to connect with someone they know. Since Kevin Bacon has been an actor since the dawn of time there is a joke that every actor can be traced through this 6 degrees back to Kevin Bacon. It is an interesting phenomenan-one that Facebook is actually showing us nicely!

That being said, according to this website I am now just 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon, and you, by extension, are 4. This is how, you know me (1), I was at a conference where Stephen spoke (2) Stephen Baldwin was in the Usual Suspects with Kevin Spacey (3) Kevin Spacey was in Seven with Brad Pitt (4) Brad Pit was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon (5)!!!

See how that works.... OK onto the Spritual stuff!!!

Stephen Baldwin came to know the Lord after his wife got saved and spent about a year just praying and living it. You can see his full testimony on the Generation Conference website. Essentially after watching his wife pray for a year, he decided that he was going to give God a try. He started to learn and pray and everything that he needed to do, then came Sept 11. Something he said at that point really caught me. He said that in the days following Sept 11, that he was going to

"Maximize the potential of this moment"

this phrase struck a chord in me. He decided in that time of history that he was going to put all of his energy into this God question, and it revolutionized his life.

I began to think: "Do I maximize the potential in my situations?" -it has changed my outlook.

Tomorrow: Know the heart, understand the action.


Anonymous said...

Hey Laura - I don't know if you've read Stephen's book, "The Unusual Suspect", but it is a fantastic telling of his testimony. I laughed my head off while reading it.

Anonymous said...

I read his book "The Unusual Suspect" too. It is AWESOME!!!