Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Good Ending!

Tonight I was at a meeting that, truth be told, I didn't want to be at. All day I had not been feeling well. I was doubting myself and even my purpose. I was in a cranky mood, and didn't feel like I got that much accomplished today. I put on a happy face and attempted to change my feelings by changing my behaviour, I smiled and dodged questions about myself and focused on others. There was even a point where a situation came up where I was offered a ride home! I stayed knowing that I needed to be there. It was a good meeting with lots of good information and vision casting for the next year.

At the end though, we prayed for one another. One of the ladies in my prayer circle had a word for me. This word spoke to the very core of what I was experiencing. It has been a long time since someone outside of my circle prayed for me, and this women I don't know that well just hit the nail on the head. It broke off some insecurities that were taking root and it spoke to the foundation of what God has been speaking to me about my purpose. It was like an unexpected day at the spa! As she prayed, I felt a peace wash over me and renew my purpose.

If I had given in to how I felt, I would have been robbed of that moment! It reminds me that no matter where you are, God is there and is SEEKING opportunities to propel us towards our destiny.

Thanks Terri for your faithfulness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In every situation when we seek His face, He's faithful. I'm glad you came. It's always nice to see you. Have you been told today? I love you.