Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nothing to Prove!

"The greatest freedom is when you have nothing to prove."

This was on a list of Mark Batterson's favourite sayings. Every once in a while I see a moment of having nothing to prove. Nothing to prove to myself, to others, to myself about others and to myself about God.

There are glimpses of this freedom that I want to cultivate every day. I find that I am most myself when living in that freedom.

How free are you in this area? What are you left trying to prove? Are you trying to prove God wrong in His love for you? Are you trying to prove to yourself that you REALLY aren't worthy of forgiveness after all? Or are you just deluding yourself that grace and the Love of God has anything at all to do with something that you have or haven't done?

Be free.... I speak to myself... be free in the freedom of truly having nothing to prove!!

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