Saturday, August 18, 2007


I love changing seasons in the natural progression of weather and calendar as much as I love the changing seasons of our lives. There are moments in time when a change in the season is obvious- The first flakes of snow silently usher in the the winter, or trickling water that accompanies winter's departure. Some seasons, though are more stealthy in their approach. Summer dawns on our conciousness with a realization that it suddenly is hotter and one day you stop and realize that it is still sunny out at 8:30 or 9:00 at night.

August is one of my favourite months because it has so much variety. There are warm days, and cool nights, the joy of summer is still upon us, but as summer comes to an end we are desperate to hold onto those last vestiges by cramming in as much 'summer' as we can. It is full of the memories of nights too hot to sleep, sunburns, and swimming. I love those first times that we pull the cozy sweaters out of their resting place and feel thier warmth where the sun so recently left her kisses.

The seasons of our lives can fall into 2 catagories as well: those seasons that start or end with an event- a catalytic change of circumstances which user in a new season; or those seasons whose change is signified by a slow realization that things are not as they used to be.

Just as we don't notice that the sun is setting earlier and earlier until the cumulated change is significant , sometimes we don't notice a new season in our lives until the new season requires something new of us. A lot of times, this type of change in season can be the most stressful because we don't always realize it is happening but we realize that what worked before no longer is working. When we don't take notice of the changes around us, we get caught up in what used to be and fight against what needs to be.

Fall for so many seems to be a time of starting over. Perhaps it is the memories of beginning a new grade, maybe having new school supplies. There is a fresh start feeling to fall. Take a look at the 'supplies' that you are using? Will they adequately equip you in the season you are entering? Or is it time to invest in some new supplies?

1 comment:

mandy said...

these words are hitting me at a time when i'm facing a number of changes in my life/schedule....
thanks for the thoughts!