Monday, August 06, 2007

Off topic.....

I was going to tell you about Joyce Meyers' message at the conference but this is a big one, I want to give it the proper attention, so it is coming up tomorrow. In the meantime something happened today that I just HAVE to share with you. Have you ever walked into a high-end store and had the sales people give you sooo much attitude that you felt like less than human??

I was poking around downtown today, and this happened! We walked into a store and immediately some "Dude" in an office looked at us and said "are you sure you are in the right place, that you didn't come in the wrong door!!!"

I was taken aback!! Just for spite and because he had approached us in that way, we said "nope, we just came in to look around". There was high end art on the wall ranging in price from 15-20 thousand dollars, and in the back there was a small showroom with a couple of kitchens set up. I love kitchens and he had hurt my pride so I poked around for little while. Finally he came out of his office and stood in the showroom, not so much to engage us as to watch and make sure that we didn't steal anything.

I said hello and complimented his merchandise. His response "what are you ladies going to be? Interior Designers? " as if to say that the only reason we were there was to pretend!!

I told him that I was renovating my house and looking for ideas (mostly true), he pointed to a strange little contraption by the front door, and told me that I had to include one of those in my house and that it was "only" 10 thousand dollars. Knowing he was gauging my reaction to the price tag, I played it cool, told him that I had seen that before (true) and that as much as I liked the idea, I had dismissed it as not practical for me-somewhat true. We said our goodbyes and walked out the door.

As we got out of ear shot of the store front, I turned to my friends and burst out with "I have NEVER been treated like that before!"

I was soooooooooooooooooooo speechless! I couldn't believe the nerve of that guy! It brought to mind the scene from Pretty Woman where she goes with the Richard Gere's credit card and tries to buy clothes on Rodeo Dr but because she is dressed the way she was, they refuse to serve her. Later she returns to the same store with many bags of expensive designer clothes and shows the snotty sales girls, and reminds them that they are on commission!

For the rest of the afternoon, we kept thinking up scenarios where we could "Pretty Woman" that guy, to put him in his place. In the end, we decided 3 things: he needs Jesus, I was reacting out of having my pride hurt, and that his issues were his issues and shouldn't ruin our afternoon. I even drove by his store and took note of his website with the plans to mention it here so that no one would support his business, but I have decided that it isn't worth my time. With an attitude like that, he is going to drive his own business into the ground.

I pray though, that I never ever, no matter my situation in life, or my wealth or my success, ever would make someone feel the way he made me feel!

I wonder if sometimes that is how we make non-Christians feel when they come in our churches??? What if, in our attitudes, speech, or demeanour, without realizing it, we ask them if they are sure they are in the right place. Dear God, I hope not!


Donna said...

I am sorry that happened Laura. People can be so cruel. I cannot believe how hurtful they can be.

I love the character you have shown with the dignified way you have responded to this experience. Also you have used it as a tool to help you grow stronger and even more compassionate towards others. Wow. Classy girl.

Anonymous said...

You know something?? The customers that do buy from his store probably look down their noses at him as a "clerk" which is why he spoke to you that way. I love how we can work through our anger and pride issues so quickly, think before we act. Four years ago, I would have done what you thought of doing and then some.

~Steph~ said...


And for all he knew, you could have been a millionaire walking into the store! Many of the "rich" people that i know dress like bums, so it wouldn't surprise me! Oh well, you acted very wisely, good for you. I probably would have just stood their with my jaw dropped to the floor and then left.