Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Mark Schilling

Today we continue the series of nuggets I recieved at Generation Conference

We were a little late for this session... Mark was mostly done, but I am pretty sure he was talking about Luke 5 where the disciples had fished all night and caught nothing, but the Jesus told them to cast thier nets in the deep waters and they caught a huge haul of fish.

Mark was describing some very difficult situations in his life where he had no choice but to follow the leading of Jesus and let down his nets into the deep water. He was referring to those challenges as "The Deeps" those places where you get to the end of yourself and there is nothing to do but that which God commands-even if the logic seems flawed. It is in those "Deeps" that Jesus has us where He needs us to be so that we can see the greatest glory of God. He touched a little on how circumstances often don't come FROM God, but He does allow them so that we will turn to Him.

James 1:2-8 was another scripture he used. He said, in talking with God, the more you describe the deep water you are in, the bigger God shows up.

MY take: I find too often that my prayers are symptom-specific but don't address the whole problem. Sometimes circumstances are like a disease with many symptoms, if you just treat the symptoms as individual situations, you could miss how they are all connected and miss the diagnosis of the real cause (Ever watched House?). As I think about what Mark said regarding describing the deep water, I suppose that how detailed a description you give God about the Deep water you are in, could be a litmus test which could "test" your view of God's willingness and ability to meet your needs.

Here is an example: I am unemployed and a reasonable prayer for that is "God I need a job, there are bills to pay. I tithe, and your word says that you will take care of your children."

It addresses the symptom and there is nothing WRONG with a prayer like that, however, when I trust God with EVERYTHING my prayer might sound more like this:

God I know that you have plans and purposes for me. I know that you have ordered my steps. God right now I find myself in a situation that I am not sure how to successfully navigate. You took me out of my job situation, you have placed in me a need and desire for more, and opportunities to impact YOUR kngdom. I believe you for this answer..... help me in those moments that I waiver. But most of all, in this time, continue to humble my pride, break down the need for self-sufficiency, and teach me what it means to be pursued and cared for by the Lover of my Soul.

I have given voice to not just the circumstances, but what lies deeper in those circumstances. I have described the deep water, and I wait for God to whisper "Drop your nets just THERE" and I am excited about the bounty of blessings that will pour forth!

What do you think?

Tomorrow "Fight for your blessing"


Anonymous said...

Laura, this is why I like coming to your blog. It's always a challenge for me. Deep and nets, what great words for life. I know your blessings are coming and the nets will be so full that you will have to give some away. No let me rephrase that, God will bless YOU so much you'll have give it all away. Go out in the deep.
I like this tonight. Thanks Laura

Anonymous said...

Laura, I think you're amazing. You are DEEP!! Love it. Love your message and love you!

Jenn said...

Just found your blog this week and have very much enjoyed it. This post - wow, think I'll read the James passage and see were I need to get deep into His word. Thanks and many blessings for the rest of the conference.