Monday, November 19, 2007

Unveiled Faces

What is your deepest pain?

I am single.

God has forgotten my dreams

He can't use me alone.

None will choose me.

I am incomplete.

Sunday night, I was asked to do one of the most difficult, yet freeing things that I have ever had to do. At TLC we had an amazing Women's night. The theme of the evening was Identity. We looked at the titles and the ideas that our upbringing and our culture has placed on us that are not an accurate representation of who God says we are . At the end, we performed a dramatic piece in which we stated an old identity that was false. Then we draped ourselves with a black veil. A song began and we stood, with veiled faces, desolate at this false identity. As the piece went on, we removed the veils, and then presented ourselves, declaring the Truth and abandoning our veils.

Even as we rehearsed there was a depth of pain for each of us as we dug deep into our sense of identity. For the most part we couldn't even speak, we just walked it through. We knew God was up to something, but it was really heavy because we weren't speaking lines we had memorized, we were speaking of our own lives.

I am single.
God has forgotten my dreams
He can't use me alone.
None will choose me.
I am incomplete.

These were the lies that I had adopted into my identity. These were the words I spoke in front of a roomful of women. It was so difficult to even get the words out. As I stood on the stage, I felt completely exposed, and raw. If I had actually been naked, I wouldn't have felt as exposed as I did in that moment. I stood veiled, weeping, realizing the depth to which these lies had permeated my heart. I chose in that moment, to not just let this be a drama, that I was leaving behind the old ideas about myself.

I am His Bride.

His dreams for me are more than can be imagined.

He has chosen me.

I am fully known.

THIS is the truth. This is what replaces the old lies. I leave behind the old ideas just like I left behind the veils on that stage.


Anonymous said...

We are rounding to completion. We mustn't ever forget the Truth lives in us. In Him we find our completion. Amen and Amen. Thank you for being so vulnerable. Your tears melted away many peoples pain.

Jenn said...

Oh sweet girl, that you would continue to cling to those truths! You are precious and most valuable!

Evelyn said...

Thank you for trusting us with your vulnerability. Remember in Him you knitted you together in your mother's womb, you are complete. He is yours and you are His.