Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Who are you?

I am His Bride.

His Dreams for me are more than can be imagined.

He has chosen me.

I am fully known.

This is the truth of what God did in my heart at the Women's Night recently held at TLC. As I came off stage from the drama that we had presented, we made our way into a room adjoining the sanctuary. We were all a little shaken from the experience, but amazed at the victory. I had such a sense of the presence of God. We wept together, and began to cry out to God on behalf of the women who had come to be ministered to.

There was a desperation in my heart that what had been exposed as we stood on that stage in our vulnerability, would not be gratuitous. I wanted more than anything that women sitting watching us would see that in that place and in that moment, there was so much safety to take a risk and get their breakthrough. I wanted so much for the women present there to grab hold of what God was handing out. To see the depth of His love for each of them.

There is a battle raging in each one of us. God is passionately propelling us toward the destiny that He has for us. Just as passionate is the enemy's desire to derail that which God would call us each uniquely to.

Each one of you has a call that cannot be duplicated, history would be different if you weren't here. You are a history maker. Step out, step up and step into something more.

I am His bride. Who are you?

His dreams for me are more than can be imagined. Are you dreaming God-sized dreams?

He has chosen me. You are His treasure, He altered history and sacrificed His Son.... and YOU are worth it.

I am fully known.....

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