Thursday, November 22, 2007

A question for the ages

Why does Christmas stress us out so much?

There are so many aspects of Christmas that I LOVE. I love giving gifts, I love the music, the cozy fireplaces, the smells of the season. I love the anticipation of seeing who will do what and when. Mostly though, I LOVE hearing the story of Jesus inevery public arena.

Secretly, I will admit I even love that slighty superior feeling I get knowing that my shopping is almost done, and the cards are addressed and stamped (even the international ones) ... I am still a work in progress!

But underlying all of the joy there is so much stress... it bubbles beneath the surface and tends to show itself in mild bouts of tears or indecision when pressed for an answer about plans. It is the reality for so many. There are those who work themselves into a frenzy with all the activity and some who choose to hibernate at home blocking it out completely and trying to pretend it just doesn't exist.

I was 'delicately' reminded today that one person's stress is another person's blessing. While I occasionally feel pulled in more than one direction by family, there are those who are without loved ones.

It all comes back to gratitude.

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