Thursday, November 08, 2007

A positive trend

I have noticed something very interesting as the commercials for Christmas have rolled out. I have seen a couple of commericals for a couple of different chains where the message of the ad campaign the response that the gift gets as opposed to the gift itself.

In fact, to my recollection, in both commercials, you don't even see any products! Isn't that a strange yet amazing trend!

I wonder how the holiday would change in nature if we were more concerned about bringing joy to the person we were giving the gift to?


Jenn said...

Well, that is the part I love - getting something for a person that is "so them" and knowing they will love it! I hate buying just to buy and check 'em off the list.

Anonymous said...

I'm on board with the new trend, I always was. I listen all year round for perfect opportunities to turn my attention to purchasing the perfect gift, the gift that says, "I was listening."