Monday, September 03, 2007

When September Comes

This scene presented itself outside my back patio door! A leaf, in it's fall glory just laying there, mocking me....

In the spring we celebrate the first Robin we see, because then it is REALLY spring- I count the beginning of spring from the first Motorcycle that goes by, but that's just me- but in the fall the first fallen leaf signifies both the end and the beginning.

I really like fall. It is my favourite season. I like the cool mornings and evenings and the fond memories the sun holds in her rays all day long. I like that I can open my windows without worrying about letting the cool air out. I like that the days become noticeable shorter. I like to see the changes occurring. With September, though, always seems to come a sadness. Every summer begins stretched out before us and seems interminable. I always have high hopes for the summer of things that I want to do, people to hang out with and growth to have happen in my life.

This summer though, was spent in process. I have discovered much about myself this summer. I have learned a lot about God as well. September feels like a new beginning often. It is not just the kids going back to school who feel it. I have determined that this fall will be productive and strategic and intentional. I will be putting into place a specific plan of action in response to this summer of growth. I have to be cautious not to make too many sweeping changes, but one thing at a time, and this will be a productive fall!

As the summer air turns cooler, trees pull the sap back from their leaves in order to protect it from freezing. The sap is the lifeblood of the tree. As the sap drains down into the roots to nourish them during the winter, the leaves begin to die because they are no longer being nourished. In order to survive the winter, the tree must slough off that which is not essential. In the same way, I want to pull back and evaluate and shed those things which are not essentials in my walk with the Lord. In this way, I can maximize the lifeblood within me to nourish those who God has called me to.


Anonymous said...

I love fall. Windows open. Leaves crunching beneath my feet. Things go back to normal and my allergies disappear for a couple of months. Ah, relief!

Anonymous said...

I live in San Diego now and the weather hasn''t changed for months. I wish it would. I was raised in Portland, Oregon and I remember shuffling off to the first day of school kicking the freshly fallen leaves. September reminds me of the word "back". That means kids go back, beack to routine, back to working out UGH!!.
But it reminds me of refreshment. Relationship ways this has been a tough summer, I'm ready for change!!! I'm ready for God !!!