Sunday, September 09, 2007

Little Prayers, Big God

How amazing, how wondrous is the love of God! With all that is going on in the world, sometimes we can feel as though our 'little' concerns or questions or problems are not worth the Lord's time. Have you ever held back asking a friend to pray for something because you thought it insignificant?

God is so amazing that our finite minds have a difficult time making sense of these lofty ideas. We only need to look to creation to see a glimpse of God. Scriptures over and over again show us that the creation around us is designed to bring Glory to God, so perhaps the understanding of God's omnipresence can be found in creation in order for us to understand it better.

This quote caught my heart:

The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependant on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.

-Galileo Galilei

As I read this quote I realized, that is it! That is how it works!! God, my God, the God of "more than enough" has more than enough to deal with all of life's situations! Big or small it doesn't matter. Do he grapes ripening on the vine steal any of the sun's ability to keep the atmosphere warm enough for us? Do any of the planets falter in their orbit because the summer is particularly hot? No, of course not! It would be absurd to think that!

Your 'little' prayer asking God to help you find your keys doesn't in any way distract from God's ability to protect your loved ones in need, or steal power from your petition to save your family member. There is more than enough God, and attention and "sunlight" to go around.
The more we learn to rely on God, the more He has the opportunity to surprise us with the answers to all of our needs- Big and Small.
Today, what is one 'little' prayer that you have been holding off praying because you thought it might distract God from the 'big' requests that are already on the list? What if we began to tell God about ALL of our needs? Wouldn't that take up all day everyday? Hmm.... maybe that is the point! Maybe, just maybe that's what 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 means when it says:
16-18 Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live. -The Message (emphasis mine)

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