Friday, September 07, 2007


It has been a great joy to me to be able to spend time at Church as the renovations are coming to an end. I like to see the progress as it is happening.

A funny thing happens though, when a massive renovation is taking place. It begins a new chapter in poeple's minds and hearts. As the furnishings and wall coverings change, attitudes also change. There is this idea that it is time to stop doing things the old way and begin anew.

I assisted one of our pastoral team with a revamp of their storage area. This department in the church has been using the same area for storage for a few years now, but as time progressed since the last renovations more and more 'stuff' has collected. Materials that we no longer use just sit waiting for attention at the boottom of cupboards. So we took everything out, sorted through, re-organized and added some amazing containers, now, it not only looks tidy and neat, it sets that department up for the next season.

It is sometimes the same with our lives. We let stuff pile up and we cram it into the back corners so that we don't have to address it. But eventually we cannot even function. So we take everything out and re-assess. I love that God is in the renovation business.

God is the ultimate "trading spaces" participant. I have friends who always seem to be changing up their home, a little paint here and a new piece there. But God, is ALWAYS looking for ways to rearrange, tear down walls, or recover. With God it is a constant state of changing ME from the inside out. Occasionally, I think that it would be nice to just rest and recuperate, but I know that the longer I rest, the harder it will be to get me going again!

So bring it on! Let's renovate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what I love about this renovation? I'm seeing that "change is good donkey." I'm actually starting to think about moving to another pew (just thinking - don't get all expectant about that). But what I really love is that after almost 4 years of attending, finally, there is a bit of Lifecentre history that I am now a part of. For some reason, it makes me feel more like part of the family. Isn't it weird how you've been doing home renos at the same time! What's going on, Toots?