Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Single Girl Moment!

OK, so here's the deal! As a single woman it makes sense that I have to do all the work around the house. I have heard the division of labour in a marriage can fall under the catagories of "Pink Work" and "Blue Work" AKA "stuff she does" and "stuff he does". With the blending of roles in my world I suppose it ALL falls under "Purple Work".. get it? Pink and Blue..... anyway!

For the most part I am happy to do what needs to be done. I don't often FEEL the effects of singleness. I get that my life is pretty great in a lot of ways. One of the main downsides to being single is that there is no other designation for the work, no one else to take on some of those aspects of homeownership that aren't "my gifting or ministry"! Some are obvious... I am intimidated by plumbing and electrical work, somethings are just too HEAVY for me to lift... those might fall naturally under "Blue Work". There are other things, though, that I would LOVE to delegate to someone else... most of these things have to do with smell.

I am not good with things that smell funky-I would rather throw out the Tupperware than subject myself to what grows inside from time to time, and I don't like discovering what might be clogging the drain. But most of all, the thing that I dread the most... happens every week and I dislike it every week is GARBAGE NIGHT. Since I was a kid, my chore was to collect the garbage cans from around the house and empty them. I HATED it then, and I HATE it now.

As strange as it sounds, when I think about the bliss of matrimony, garbage night becoming Blue Work brings me joy... I might have to write that into the vows... "I take you Laura to be my wife.... I promise to love, honour, take out the garbage, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live..."

I DO!!!!


Anonymous said...

Man I miss you! That's great...and sooooo true. For me, as you probably already know, it's cooking! I'll do the dishes, I'll do the laundry, I'll take out the garbage, I'll even mow the lawn but please, please, please, let the man I end up with love cooking!

Anonymous said...

I just hope that he doesn't smell funky after he's done taking the garbage out, cause then you'll have to scrub the shower. Ah, division of labour. When I was married, I think my husband used to do things "substandardly" so I would never ask him to do it again. Well here's the thing Miss Laura, the grass may be greener on the other side but it still needs to be mowed.

Anonymous said...

To cute...

ellie said...

hi laura... I stumbled upon your blog... long story.. anyway as a fellow single girl I too have expereinced for the last 7 yrs what it is like to have the roles meld together... I also am right there with you throwing out the tupperware! Heck! It gives me a reason to go shopping!!!
