Friday, September 14, 2007

Believing the Best

There are certain core values that we live by at Life Centre. One of those is "Believe the Best". Esentially, it means that we believe that everyone is worth our time and God's time. It means that we extend as much grace and acceptance of where they are at in the moment we encounter them.

One of our leaders has a great saying that I cannot recall word-for-word but the underlying idea is that values are only values when they withstand the pressures of life. A value, in my mind is like a law of science, they work everytime you test them out.

This week, those values were seriously put to the test.

There is a situation in my life, where I have to stand back and bite my tongue and allow people to make the mistakes that they are going to make. This is a situation that has me unable to assist in anyway except to pray. I am learning that the kindest thing that I can do is to speak to the potential of the ones that I love.

Thre is nothing else that I can do. I don't like being in that position- I much prefer to have something to DO. Knowing that I cannot change the behaviour of others, I must choose to love in spite of what I see in front of me while leaving thier souls at the foot of the cross.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant lesson... So hard to do... You just want to shake them and say... DO YOU KNOW HOW THIS IS GOING TO TURN OUT?

On a side note... it's not with my sister is it? JUST JOKING!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for the situation, Toots. By the way, we both blogged on one of TLC's core values this week! There must be something in the air.