Thursday, January 11, 2007

More Harvest news!

As promised, I will, over the next little while, delve into the many areas in my life that are experiencing a harvest!

For some time, I have been feeling as though I need to go deeper in God and with God. And in that knowledge I realized that I cannot do this alone and have been looking around for a mentor who would be able to walk alongside me. As I thought of myself and my personal style I realized that the normal mentoring method of meeting over coffee, pouring out my heart doesn't really suit me. I learn from hearing how others who are successful so things, and from discussing specific situations to find the principle.

On another note I began writing this blog as an opportunity to write and share with others. OVer the course of this process there developed a community of Bloggers who share comments and thoughts. Sometimes something another blogger writes about will spark something that I will chew on and then perhaps blog about what God speaks to me regarding this idea.

I have found that as I am getting 5-6 different points of view each day, I begin to see patterns that emerge in what God is doing in other's lives. I particularly love Lori and Jay's individual blogs! I am never at a loss for interesting questions to ponder.

With Lori's blog there is always lots of scripture and encouragement, Jay's blog is full of profound, high level thoughts as they relate to leadership, hockey, and Apple! On Tracey's Blog, I am getting an inside look at the challenges that even the most amazing marriages face. With Three Beautiful Things, I am reminded that everyday there is something good in each day. There are so many others.... all of which add to the joy of my day.

Of course this list is neither exhaustive nor complete.. please don't be offended if I didn't mention your blog.

I began to realize that I was getting glimpses into the lives that I hold in such high regard, and by investing in thier blogs, they are investing in me! How great that God would allow me to be mentored by so many amazing things. Know that if I have left a comment or a response on your blog it is because what you do truly makes a difference. There are days when an encouraging thought that someone shares, changes the course of my day and causes my heart to become even more Captivated by God!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Laura:

You are so sweet and intelligent and inspireing. I am looking forward to seeing your harvest blossoming.

Peace and blessings I pray to you in Jesus' Mighty Name:


Anonymous said...

I am loving this blogging world to. I think we are on to something that may develop into a great harvest.