Thursday, January 25, 2007

A change in VOICE

I have been finding that my VOICE is changing. By that I don't mean physically, I have not revisted puberty- thank you Jesus! Rather, I mean that the way I want to communicate through this Blog has changed.

For a time, I was writing in the tone one might use in a diary. Soemtimes, I find that when I speak about situations in my life that have taught me something, the response is about the event not the lesson learned. I want to speak more to "you", and give more time for the lessons learned, and so occasionally it could sound like I am telling you what to do, or that I have it all together. Here is the *** DISCLAIMER*** I am under no delusion that I know everything, or that I have it all togehter.... I have learned some hard lessons and want to be able to share them.

I want this Blog to become a forum for discussion.. much like the post on Tithing, my view will differ from yours, or be completely off the mark (be careful I might test to see if you are paying attention!!) , I want to hear from you. I will try and do what others do for me... leave you with a thought provoking question.

So here is your call to action.... suit-up (thanks Barney!) and lets chat.


Anonymous said...

I like all the ways you share with us on your blog Laura. Thank you and love to chat.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Donna. I love all the different ways that you bless us with your thoughts and struggles and lessons learned and thought provoking questions...and....just all of it, Laura.
So keep it up, and no matter how or what you do decide to blog about, just know that your blogger's guild are always reading...oh, and we've got your back!

Me said...

Thats right. You are a gifted communicator and I always look forward to what you are going to write about. It's also a neat opportunity to get to know you better, because we don't see each other often.
Happy Sunday!