Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's that time of Year

We just got through Christmas, I had my birthday and it is Tax Season.
I thought this would be a great time to share what God has been doing in my life regarding Finances.

God is an amazing God and my provider. I believe that God uses something that is unique to each of us to teach us fundamentals. I love that God speaks to us in the language of our lives. When Jesus spoke to the fishermen, he used fishing parables, when He spoke to farmers He used farming parables, when God needs to get my attention it is usually through Finances.

I work in the Financial Industry, I grew up learning key financial principles and concepts from two of the most successful people I know. My mother taught me all about the different products, how they work, and how to use them succeessfully. My father modelled for us the principles of living on less than you make, and how the little things over a long time can add up to a lot.

He is the one who taught me how to think in a way that made me realize that the $1.00 Tea I bought at work each day, translates to 1 car payment per year.

With these 2 amazing people in my life, I felt pretty confident that I knew what I needed to do. But I forgot one MAJOR element.... GOD.

In my time of deepest need, God spoke to my heart and I realized that finances would be both a strength and a weakness. Sampson's hair gave him his strenghth, but it also became his downfall when his pride distracted him from his purpose.

I believe that for everyone there is a trait, ability or characteristic that can be like Sampson's hair in your life.

As I said, for me, it is finances. I have to keep short sin accounts with regards to money, I have to make sure that my motives are right and that I don't allow pride in my ability to and eagerness to give, get the best of me.

One of the practical ways that I keep the accounts short is by tithing on EVERYTHING that comes through my hands. I have had to get right into the details with this one.

A very specific example, is with my store and credit card points programs. I have become an absolute expert in milking the most out of all my points programs. I was adding it all up one day, and last year I "made" about $500.00 from points programs. I realized all of a sudden that this was a source of 'income' and that God expected ME to tithe on that amount.

I am not saying that you need to do that, but I needed to. Let's go back to the main point. You have something in your life that God uses to draw you in closer, have a deeper, more intimate walk with him..... you might think that you have done what God has asked, but perhaps there is yet another level that He wants to take you to in that.

What is it that God uses in your life??


Anonymous said...

That is why you are so blessed. You are such a blesser and I love that about you.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I will have to think about what God uses in my life. Very good question.

Anonymous said...

Laura, speaking of integrity awesome!