Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Surprising Entry

Top reasons I like being single:

1) I get the remote all to myself
2) Crying watching Oprah- and keeping my dignity
3) The mirrors and the drivers seat are always right where I need them to be
4) That last :piece of cake/pie, dish of ice cream, cookie, bit of mac & cheese, chocolate bar that I have been looking forward to is never eaten!
5) Things are where I last put them
6) No judgemental looks when reaching for another helping
7) No need to hide YET ANOTHER box of shoes!
8) If I want that expensive yet beautiful tea-set, I am the only one who needs to suffer through a week of no name pasta to compensate!
9) Ordering pizza doesn't require a UN negotiator (sausage? No sausage!)
10) Figuring out something I didn't know before, and might not have learned if there was someone else around to do it for me.
11) Still having the best things of my life ahead of me!
12) Finding out that when you need someone, people are happy to help
13) A quiet house after a long loud day at work
14) Surprising myself by learning something new
15) Having a cool roommate who introduces me to people that I wouldn't have met otherwise, and remind me what it was like to be 20
16) Having the time to help out a friend with babysitting
17) Not having to check-in
18) Getting to build my own gate- and brag about it!
19) No devastating surprises
20) Being able to leave last night's dishes in the sink!


Trayce said...

Hi Laura:

I love your blog! This is a cute post.
I think it's very refreshing to hear you talk about the reasons why you enjoy being single. I know that I would not have been able to do that before I got married. I remember always focusing on the future - never enjoying the moment. You've got the right idea, Laura! This is the time to grow and learn who you are. Yep, and still have the best things of your life ahead of you!


Laura said...

Thanks so much Tracy!! I will admit that there are a lot of items on that list that also fit on the why I DON'T like being single.