Saturday, October 28, 2006

God's use of Irony

This evening I was at The Gathering! It was amazing., and while I was there, God reminded me that He moves in mysterious ways-and uses irony!

Just to bring you up to speed, I have laryngitis, I have lost my voice. All that comes out is an odd barking sound, imagine a broken fog horn mixed with a walrus, and you have a likeness of what my voice is like. Many people have been mocking me in my illness-which is a whole other story.

We were worshipping at Scotiabank Place. Because of my voice, I was not singing but just mouthing the words or just clapping. Then one of my FAVOURITE songs. I threw caution-and my doctor's advice- to the wind and croaked out the chorus.

I sang:
"I Love you Lord, and I lift my voice, to worship you, Oh my soul, rejoice" and then I started to smile as I realized what was coming next in the song

"take joy my King, in what you hear, let it be a sweet, sweet sound, in your ear!"

Normally, I have an OK singing voice. Normally I would be able to say that perhaps my voice would be a sweet sound in God's ear, but tonight! Not so much, remember the broken fog horn? The Walrus? Not so sweet a sound, but on I sang, with the knowlege that it actually didn't matter what I sounded like, that God responds to our heart.

A few moments later a new song- another favourite. This time Chris Tomlin.

The song goes: How great is our God, sing with me!

Again I am croaking out the words in a voice deep enough to get a Richter reading (for eathequakes), but I know that God is loving it!

I realized that this is kind of how I sometimes live my life. I know what I do well, and what I don't do so well, and it is easy to belt out the lyrics of a song since I have a decent voice, but something that I am not as good at-say dancing, I will hold back on, because I don't want people to see my inadequacy.

It comes back to this blog and my Messy Life. I am not going to be shy to croak out my life, if you wanna croak along with me....... go for it!

Isn't God ironic?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Laura:

Amen to that!
I heard somewhere, "If it is worth doing, it's worth doing badly." I had a really hard time with that and I still need to work on it. I wonder if God wants us to give Him everything we have whether it is "perfect" in our eyes or not. He has a plan to use it all for His works and guides us through obedience to Him. Thanks for sharing.

Peace and blessings I pray to you in Jesus' name:
