Monday, October 02, 2006


It is funny that we refer to our day to day walk with God as a journey. It almost seems a little mundane for what a relationship with God is alll about. Or is it?

Often we set out on a course towards a specific destination, then when we get lost or misdirected the word "journey" gets pulled out. "What is more important, the journey, or the destination?" we ask each other and ourselves as a mechanism for not losing our cool in a frustrating situation. A "journey" happens when things take longer than anticipated, or don't quite work out the way we thought it would. defines JOURNEY as:
a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time


passage or progress from one stage to another

Isn't that EXACTLY what a lfe with Christ is all about?

Depending on where our journey has taken us, we can grit our teeth and talk about the "journey" and intend it the first way, or we smile and rejoice in the progress we are making.

Recently, I have been on the "Grit-my-teeth-usually-taking-a-rather-long-time-hijacked agenda" type of journey recently. One that requires an intentional decision to mark my progress.

Just the fact that I can sit back and even identify that this is part of the journey, I think is evidence of progress!

I recently earned the "coolest aunt ever" award when I fished a go-cart out of a dumpster, cleaned it up, gave it new paint job, replaced the steering wheel, and presented it to my 3 year-old Nephew! As I presented it to him, I let his father know that I still had some leftover paint so that if they wanted to they could touch it up when there were scratches and dents. The dad's response was amazing, and showed me that he treasure

d his son. He said "No WAY! Now that there is a fresh coat of paint on it, every new scratch has a story! Who would want to cover that up??"

Admit it.. you wanna hear THIS story!

It made me think that so often I am desperate to cover my war wounds, to hide my flaws, when really I should take the opportunity to share those stories that are part of the journey. Whether that journey is "progress" or "taking longer than

expected", these are milestones on the journey of our "Messy Lives"

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