Sunday, December 23, 2007

p.s. I KNOW you!

There are few things that render me speechless, one of those things is an intensely emotional experience. Occasionally a movie will be so profound in its emotional storyline, that I need time to process it before I can speak about it. There are those experiences that make you feel like you want to go home, curl up in bed and just cry because you have spent the last few hours holding in the depth of emotions because one just doesn't blubber in public. I had one of those experiences today, I went to see P.S. I Love You. Watch the movie trailer and you will get a pretty good idea about the story.

I usually avoid girly movies like the plague, I find that they are not good for my heart, especially 2 days before Christmas!! I don't need to see another Hollywoodized story about 2 people falling in love. I much prefer the simplicity of men blowing stuff up and saving the world in the process! Somehow though, I found myself agreeing to go with a friend who desperately wanted to see it. The premise of the story is that a woman's husband dies, and after his death she begins to receive letters from him that he has preplanned that walk her through the grieving process and encourage her to get back into life. They are all signed PS, I love you!

Knowing that this might be a hard movie to watch, I began to pray, I prayed that my heart would not be pierced, and that I would be able to see the beauty in the story and hear from God about His love for me and to enjoy the story without taking it home with me- after all its just a movie.

I immediately had an amazing peace about the whole thing-and a realization. I realized that for the last 6 months or so, God has, essentially been walking me through a process of changing my life. Every once in a while, I find myself in obedience, doing something that I never thought I would do, something that God has called me to do. I have been walking this path of rediscovering what life should be, and more than that, WHO God is. In this process there have been moments of grieving the life that I knew, in order to step into what's next; and moments of extreme exhileration as I take on a new challenge; and there are moments of uncertainty but faith in the plan of God. Each of these emotions are encapsulated in the movie. I have never lost a spouse to death, nor have I ever truly fallen in love, but I caught glimpses of my life within the context of the storyline.

There was also a whisper in my ear that He has written me love letters, and He speaks and guides us through. Oftentimes, what hurts the most about being single is not feeling KNOWN, I suppose that the best love stories include some element of KNOWING one another at a level that leaves the rest of the world out......


He knows me, there is none who can know me more totally than God.

There were a few points in the story that made me want to blubber, because they were good points in the story, but there were a few moments that were just for me from God.... I just know it.

One of the lines in one of the letters reads something like "When you don't see the best of you, try seeing you through my eyes", wow, imagine if we could see ourselves through God's eyes.

In another scene, she has to sing Karaoke (it's in the trailer) and when she gets up to sing we look over her shoulder into the audience, and the crowd is gone, replaced in her mind with him, just him and she sings just to him. I want so much for EVERYTHING that I do, to be for an audience of One. When you know that someone knows you completely, and it totally on your side, and when you know that your vulnerabilities are safe with them, not only do I think that is the truest love, but I think that you can accomplish ANYTHING....

I suppose that the only One who can completely know us is God, He is the only One who is totally on our side, and only in His hands are we absolutely safe. So, I suppose He is the only choice that makes any sense at all!

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