Tuesday, December 04, 2007

God of the Garden

God's amazing character and love is unfathomable.

It doesn't matter how many times we approach the throne of God, we can never get to a point where we can say "That's it, I know everything about God".

In the Old Testament, God is most often seen as God of the Mountain. He is up away from the masses, speaking to Moses, or in the Tabernacle hidden behind the Veil in the "Holy of Holies"- a place where priests go once per year to commune directly with God. If they have not properly attoned for their sins, they die.This is the power of God. The majestic, awe-inspiring God. This is God of the mountain.

As most of you know, in Genesis, before He was the mountain-dweller, He was God of the Garden. Genesis says that "Adam walked with God in the cool of the day". They chatted like the friends that they were.

I have noticed that some of my closest friends all have something in common. I have walked with them, in the cool of the day, beside a river or a lake, and gotten to know them. Something happens in those moments, as 2 people walk side-by-side, sharing the beauty of creation a bond develops that goes deeper than the average 'coffee talk'.

There are moments in my life with God that are Garden moments. Time to just enjoy one another's presence. One of these "gardens" is the monthly Refuel event that happens at The Life Centre. This is a chance to just get in close to God's heart and worship.

In the past few months, those 'walks in the garden' have developed in me the truest sense I have ever had of my identity in God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't growth wonderful? Isn't it great that we will never know everything about Him while we're in this world? We'll never get bored trying to get to know Him because He'll always have another revelation into His character for us.