I am totally on a high right now! I went to see Josh Groban tonight!! It was the MOST AMAZING concert EVER!!
He is equal parts showman and personable human being. He showed little touches that put us all over the top... he sang his encore "You raise me up" with a SENATORS jersey on!! LOVE THAT.
He is passionate about Africa and it comes through in his music... and we love him for it!!!
The coolest thing happened. I was in my company's box (that's how I got the tickets) and a stage manager came by and told us that Josh was going to be walking up our aisle!!
We were at the top of the first level by the doors and he was waiting there to enter after a break!!! I was 5 Feet from him!!!! I followed the rules and turned off my flash, so the pictures didn't work out... but it is all about the memories!! LOVE IT
This was one of the most PROFOUND musical experiences of my life!
Morning after follow up!
Last night I could hardly sleep! The residual from the concert was amazing! There was a moment that I missed an opportunity for a really great picture. While Josh was waiting behind the doors to come down our aisle, he was literally standing outside the door to the suite I was in. During the whole song before he came down all I could think was "go out the door". I didn't and I missed a great opportunity. All last night, I just kept thinking "why didn't I go out that door?" Then I realized that I was allowing that one thing to rob me from the whole rest of the experience. BUT then.... I began to remember that he is "just a man" (as the song says) and that really all the Glory goes to God because He thought of music. I began to remember all the song lyrics that alluded to God and His love and the need for forgiveness. I don't know if Josh is a Christian, but it doesn't matter the music still reaches the heavens.
The Nooma video we watched on Friday night talked about the Name of God. In the original language it is just breathed because the Name of God is made up of all vowels. I began to thank God for the gift of music and that something so grand, apart from being a tool to worship God, is an amazing experience. I love how music reaches into your very soul. Good music brings you to the throne room of God.
The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it!
If we are silent even the rocks will begin to cry out to the Glory of His Name!!