Thursday, March 06, 2008

Preparation Time

Recently, I was privileged to give my testimony at lifegroup. It was so amazing to tell a group what God has been doing in my life. I am posting it over the next little while... here is part 1!

Esther was a beautiful young woman who was chosen to go into the household of the king to be trained and perhaps chosen as his wife. The bible says that she was a woman of incomparable beauty. When she moved into the palace, she underwent 1 year of treatments and training before she could be presented to the king. When she was presented to the king, he found favour with her and she replaced his wife as queen. In the position of queen, she was given the favour she needed to save her whole people group from extinction. You know the story; those are the broad-strokes.

I tell you this story because, in January of 07, I was an overweight, unhappy woman with no joy in my job, and a string of failures with attempting to lose weight. I was single with no prospects, or much hope. Life was pretty bleak in those areas, but I desperately loved the lord and had amazing friends, and I was staying busy with the Lord.

I had just spent more money than I could truly afford to buy into a weigh-loss program that is a year from beginning to end. I was standing in my bathroom doing my hair when a quiet voice broke through and said “52 weeks of preparation” I had just been reading the book of Esther and I knew her story. I knew immediately it was the Lord and said “52 week until WHAT??” My immediate thought of course… went to “A MAN!!!” My heart started beating… I asked…. Until my wedding? Until I meet Him??? and then I got a hold of myself and thought… maybe it is 52 weeks until I am launched into a great new career….

I took a moment to think about all the wondrous possibilities this might relate to and then I gave it to the Lord, and tucked it away. I have learned, that, when dealing with the things of God, he is “above and beyond anything I can ask or imagine”, and I never truly can guess what god has up His sleeve.

On I go about my life…. A job that I hated, but I began to see success with my weight loss.

Fast forward to June, I lost my job. It was one of the inexplicable situations that can only be God taking me out of a situation that was killing my soul one day at a time. Even though I KNEW it was God, it was still crappy!

I decided just after I lost my job, that since this was a circumstance that God had orchestrated, I wanted get as much as I could out of whatever was going to come my way . Passed and I wasn’t hearing much from God about where I should look for work, or what I was supposed to be doing not only with this time, but with the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

God is amazing. He will lead you where it is that he wants you. Preparation time is so important. Great Post!