Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day by Day

Every day there should be a new word. Everyone should have a new moment in God. I have on a couple of occasions recently made birthday gifts of cards that are to be opened one a day. It is not my original idea, I do it because I loved recieving a package like that for my birthday one year. This has been my gift of choice because in the case of my little sister, I wanted her to know that I think of her everyday and all the amazing things that are part of who she is. We don't talk everyday, and I sometimes wonder if she knows how much she is in my thoughts. So, for her 26th birthday, I printed 26 cards, each with one dictionary definition of words that describe her. They each got an envelope, and it was all tied with a beautiful ribbon.

There are times when I wonder how much God thinks of me throughout the day. His word says that his thoughts toward us exceed the grains of sand (Psalm 139:17-18), but do we take the time to hear from him everyday.

In the busyness of my life, I stopped and realized that it has been a while since I undid the ribbon and opened another envelope of His word, and because we haven't really spoken at length, it is easy for me to wonder how much He really thinks of me at all. The truth is, He has prepared enough words for every moment of everyday of our lives.

If my sister had not chosen to open the envelopes, she might have wondered about how often I think of her, or, if our schedules had prevented a phone call, she might have even wondered if I loved her still. Yet all that time sitting right in front of her was the proof of my love and thoughts toward her.

Do you ever forget to open the word of God, and then wonder if He still loves you?

Stay tuned for part 2

1 comment:

Susie said...

I was searching out a Bible Verse today and happeend upon your blog- you're pretty encouraging in your corner of the blogosphere. Thank you.