Tuesday, July 10, 2007

In honour

It was my mother's birthday on Sunday, and we had a good time, we had food and friends and fellowship.

I prepared a little blessing for my mom and read it to her in front of her friends. I wanted to share it with you so that the whole world will know how amazing my mom is.

The over-riding characteristic of my mom’s life is her commitment to excellence.

MOM: In everything that you put your hand to, you desire excellence. It is this desire that can sometimes makes you feel like you aren’t doing enough or it can stop you from seeing what we all see- so we will tell you…

When I look at you, everything about you speaks of excellence, from the way that you dress, to the home you live in, to the words you choose and the activities you involve yourself in. I see in you an amazing capacity to leverage the skills and talents that you have into an opportunity to serve others. I love that you are so concerned about your clients that you get upset when something doesn’t go right, or when the great advice you give them falls on deaf ears.

I have never seen you not belong. “Adherent” has never been a word that describes you. You are not someone who just sits in a service or in an office and chooses not to offer anything else besides your presence. You have modeled for me the truth that anything worth spending your time on is worth investing your energy, emotion and life. This is especially true of your faith and your walk with God.

Your tenacity in the midst of hard-ship has forged a bond between you and God, which few rarely get to see. I know that there have been times of questions and times of anger and times of fear, but I have never seen you waiver in your assurance of God’s love for you and His faithfulness to provide your needs. There is a plaque that I recall was always in the room that you ironed and sewed in-perhaps because those were the tasks that most clearly defined the stage of life you were in. It said “God don’t let nothing get a hold of me that you and me can’t lick”. The grammar was horrific, but the truth has remained, and God has seen you through some tough stuff-this just proves how strong you are and how deep your faith in God is. I have seen you walk through circumstances that would cripple anyone else, but you stand, shake it off and move ahead knowing that God has something for you in it. It has been such a privilege to see as God has repaired and restored all that was stolen over the years. Family, success, security, joy, friendships.

Your friendships are deep and long-lasting, look around you at this table. We have known the Chivers for over 15 years! Mrs. Code has been your friend for over 30 years, and then there is Fred, mom’s high school boyfriend who has been back in touch after many many many years! People are drawn to you mom because of the spirit you carry with you. Your zest for life.

Thank you for all that you are to me: Mother, friend, mentor, guide, advisor, and sometimes sand-paper! Thank you that what is important to me is important to you. Your high expectations of yourself and those around you cause us all to sit a little straighter, to dig a little deeper, and laugh at the whole thing! Happy Birthday Mom!

If you want to add a note to bless my mom, feel free!


Donna said...

So lovely!

Anonymous said...

The apple didn't fall very far from the tree. I've only met your mom once, it was to brief to get to know her but her daughter is an amazing testament to who she is! Happy Birthday Sheila!