Sunday, July 22, 2007

A brush with "Fame"

This is the strange but true story of an pseudo-famous birthday!

If you are a 'bar star' in Ottawa, and if you know who Dolce & Gabana are when they work together, chances are you know a friend of mine named Scott. Scott is an amazing person who knows a lot of people, it doesn't seem to matter what the situation is, wherever Scott is, a party erupts....

I met Scott through work-more specifically, at a charity event . Nice guy, we chatted and became friends.

Fast forward about a year and Scott is now dating a girl I used to work with. We have, over the year, had some good conversations and chatted about life. So this week when I got an invitation to attend a birthday bash for him at a bar downtown I thought it would be a fun thing to do. Now keep in mind that I am NOT in any way or shape... a 'bar star' - it is not my scene. I thought, I will just go and drop in, say 'hello' and honour him on his special day.

Was I in for an interesting experience!

Think of all the movies you have seen where there is a nightclub, a line up, a rope, and some very handsome but burly men choosing who best suits the 'look' of the club. Think as well of all the times when you have seen in the movies, a celeb walk past the lineup, give their name at the door and get ushered right in! How many times have you thought, that would be cool- admit it, you've thought it!. I think to some extent, we all have delusions of grandeur and wonder what it would be like to be part of that 'set', the glamourous ones who get in places! This event was one of those velvet rope "my name's on the list" type of events.

Between you and me.... as I approached the club my heart was pounding, all the thoughts and insecurities about my geekiness came flooding back. My biggest fear was that one of those bouncers would take one look at me and send me on the walk of shame. I was nicely dressed-about as risque as I get, but I might as well have had a nun's habit on compared to those around me. I squared my shoulders and announced myself. It turned out that there was not only a line to get into the club itself, but also a line to get into the party I was attending... about 20-25 people who had been invited were waiting in line to get in!

If you know me at all.... you know I DON'T DO LINES.... I really don't like crowds, and there was no way that I was going to wait to get into this party! When I told them that I was just by myself, they let me right in, I got the bracelet I needed, and up to the VIP lounge. At the top of the stairs where the VIP lounge is, there was another burly bouncer checking for VIP bracelets, and was turning people away who were trying to get into the private party. I will admit that there was a tiny little thrill to be granted entree into this exclusive event.

I was literally there about 5 minutes, I said my "happy birthdays" delivered the card, and shook some hands and then I realized that I had no reason to stay! The environment was a very empty place, made up of people who thrive off that 'thrill' of being more important, people who crave the attention that comes from showing up at the right places.

As I left, I couldn't help but wonder how many of those people standing in line would help Scott out in a crisis. How many people would he be able to rely on when the chips are down? How many people are trading on his name because of who he is?? The real answer is probably not many, not because of Scott but because of the type of people THEY are. It made me sad. It made me sad to know that like Scott there are many who spend a lot of time looking the part. It made me even sadder to think that unlike Scott, most of those people don't have anything else going on!

There are some who will think that perhaps I shouldn't have gone. But you know what.... It was worth it to have Scott see that I would be willing to enter his world to reach past my comfort level and extend my friendship without dictating the terms-as Christians are wont to do.

I don't know what the dividend will be for having gone... time will tell, but it doesn't matter, he now knows that I am his friend no matter what!

Next time you see a movie where the celebutante strolls up to the velvet rope and gets let in, and you think how great their life must be, take a moment. Imagine that all the people in your life who add so much love and substance are gone. Imagine that you are left with only the latest Jimmy Choo shoes to ascribe you value and worth. Suddenly not being glamourous is a gift... take it from me!


Anonymous said...

And I say to you therefore, store up your treasures in Heaven where rust and moths do not destroy...

You are a good friend to many people and as you sow, so shall you reap.

Anonymous said...

Laura...I love you. Good for you for taking the light into the darkness. Good for you for realizing that "seperate yourself from the world" doesn't mean to hide in corner afraid of what the darkness holds. It means to bring light to the darkness that those in it may see. Albeit, I remember taking a trip to one of the downtown club scenes a number of years ago and it was sooooo dark that I could only stay a brief time - so I fully understand your reason for leaving also.

Anonymous said...


I sat down this evening and finally decided to check out your Blog. First of all I would like to thank-you for being so honest. Secondly, I think that it is amazing that you went to Scott's birthday, despite your reservations. Reading this story was nice, as it enabled me to come to know you a little better. I too, have similar thoughts at clubs and events such as these. Even at proms or graduations - yes, these are definitely events to be celebrated; however, the thrill that entails these events is empty as the event ends and all-in-all they generally tend to disappoint participants. What I am trying to communicate is that there is so much more to this world and Eternity - it just seems sad to me when the people around me settle for exciting, yet mundane life experiences!