Monday, May 28, 2007

"I feel very much like a person who has a calm and regular daily routine."

This quote was shamelessly stolen from one of my favourite blogs (Three Beautiful Things). She has this amazing way with words, and I often feel when reading her blog, that I have a special door to 1800's England.

Anyway... I digress... this past season has been ridiculously busy. I cannot even begin to tell you! There are things in my life that I feel very strongly about... relaxation is one, open space on my calendar that allows me to flexible enough to assist a friend in need is another. Both of those have been in VERY short supply- I have blinked and missed April and May!

As a result, the above quote that we began with is so far from my life right now, that when I read it, it was almost a physical shot in the gut. I am not sure how I am going to achieve it, but I know that there NEEDS to be a routine in my life that is both calm and regular!

A calm and regular routine has NOTHING to do with boring, or in a rut (which I suppose is the fear) but rather, when you have a stable and regular routine, the important things (like groceries, cleaning, and friendships) don't get overlooked. I have been running from pillar to post, only to stop, look around and realize that there is nothing in my fridge, and that I haven't spoken to the important people in my world for a couple of weeks!

This is unacceptable and........ well .... it just needs to stop!!

So 3 weeks from next Tuesday when I have my next open chunk of time, I will for sure sit down and make a plan-unless something else comes up!! *grin*

1 comment:

Donna said...

Oh do I ever hear you Laura. The more routine and schedule I master the more I am available to give ...well...more. However with more on my plate it is much more crucial that I stay in the routine or else there is back log and that gets harder when things are busy. I am really working on this area of my life. We can do it girl-we really can!