Monday, February 02, 2009

You know it's a bad day when!

You know its a bad day when you turn to JOB and find encouragement!

In my bumpy road back to life here, I had a very bad weekend. It got to the point where on Sunday I was sitting in church (mostly because I really didn't want to answer the questions of why I didn't go!) all I could do was weep. I didn't know why, I couldn't put it into words, I just wanted to sit in the room where I knew God was going to be for sure, and be a little angry with Him, and be a little sad, and be a little out of sorts. As I sat there tuning in and out of the sermon I couldn't have even told you what was wrong. I opened my Bible for the first time in many days.
While I was away there was a scripture that a few of us had been talking about and I had put a bookmark there to re-read it later. I opened it yesterday and began to read. In Job 22:21-30 I saw something I had never seen before. We so often quote the Psalm "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart". I have, many times wanted to know more about what "delighting" means as regards to God- I suppose so that I could have the key to unlocking the rest... but that is for another day!- and here it was again, right in front of me:
26For then you will delight yourself in the Almighty and lift up your face to God
As I looked back into the previous verses, the bullet points hit me one after another.....
23: If you return to the Almighty
23: If you remove injustice from your hands
24: If you lay gold in the dust

With EVERYTHING in me... I want The Almighty to be that precious to me! I WANT to delight myself in Him, and I know that a place of delight will be all I desire.

There is a song that has been resonating through my soul for weeks.... it is by Steve Bell called "Here by the Water". It could really be this passage in Job set to music. Isn't it cool how God sets us up!

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