Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pocket Litter

I am reading a book about undercover agents (That will surprise almost none of you) and I came across a fun descriptor. It is "Pocket Litter". Pocket litter is defined as all that extra stuff that you collect as a result of just living your life.... like the receipts in your wallet, parking stubs, mints from restaurants.. ladies it is all that stuff that swims around at the bottom of your purse- it is important for undercover agents to establish the credibility of their "cover".....

I have decided that I like the term and will use it as much as I can.... Today I was trying to rid myself of all the "pocket litter" that fills up space on a laptop that you have had for many years. (good use of my new vocab!) All over the hard drive are articles partly written, little "post-it" notes with confirmation numbers for service calls I made 2 years ago, and spreadsheets with big plans for changing the world.... but buried in the pocket litter, I found this quote....

"Opportunity comes from expertise, not just luck, talent, and passion. If you find it impossibly tedious to become an expert about what you think matters to you, then you're not chasing a dream, you're just daydreaming." - By Jerry Porras

OUCH... I don't recall who Jerry Porras is, or where I heard this or read this but clearly it had an impact. I realize that I am truly just daydreaming about so many things.

I think that I will spend a little more time fishing for treasures amongst the "pocket litter"

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