Happy Birthday to my Brother!
Today is his birthday and so here are the top things I like about him.
I like that he is older, and he had to go first... always!
I love that he taught me how to tie my shoes
I like that I can always find him in a crowd!
I LOVE that there is no one I know more clear-headed in a crisis.
I love how much he loves his daughter!
I admire him for tackling life's difficulties in what is sometimes the most difficult way.... just showing up.
I like that he can give me a hug that envelopes me... not many people can
I even like that they are kind of rare... because then I get to enjoy them more!
I like that he is thoughtful when it matters most.
I liked being well known in high school as "Shorty's sister".
He is generous, and big hearted!
I love that everywhere he goes, there are friends he cares about.
I love when he gets me laughing until I can't breathe!
I love it when he is most himself and the depths of who he is comes forth.
I love that he can bring me to tears with a well-timed email!
You don't know big brother, because I don't tell you enough, how much I love you, and how inspired I am that you are following your life-long dream. To see you passionate about the next step calls me to higher things.
Keep going, keep being who you are, I am cheering you on from the sidelines.....
Happy Birthday!
And that my friends is my brother.....
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Valentine's Day
I have fallen in love this Valentine's day! Today was a beautiful sunny winter day. I ventured downtown to take in the beauty of the day and Winterlude.
Here are some of the sights I saw...
An Ice Scuplture representing NATO's 60th year. And a man tying his skates getting ready to skate on the Largest Skating Rink in the WORLD!
I love seeing the flag flapping in the breeze over Parliament Hill!
Any time you forget about what is right in front of you, it is easy to assume that the somewhere is better.... but when you recall what is amazing! Anywhere can be home!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Pocket Litter

I am reading a book about undercover agents (That will surprise almost none of you) and I came across a fun descriptor. It is "Pocket Litter". Pocket litter is defined as all that extra stuff that you collect as a result of just living your life.... like the receipts in your wallet, parking stubs, mints from restaurants.. ladies it is all that stuff that swims around at the bottom of your purse- it is important for undercover agents to establish the credibility of their "cover".....
I have decided that I like the term and will use it as much as I can.... Today I was trying to rid myself of all the "pocket litter" that fills up space on a laptop that you have had for many years. (good use of my new vocab!) All over the hard drive are articles partly written, little "post-it" notes with confirmation numbers for service calls I made 2 years ago, and spreadsheets with big plans for changing the world.... but buried in the pocket litter, I found this quote....
"Opportunity comes from expertise, not just luck, talent, and passion. If you find it impossibly tedious to become an expert about what you think matters to you, then you're not chasing a dream, you're just daydreaming." - By Jerry Porras
OUCH... I don't recall who Jerry Porras is, or where I heard this or read this but clearly it had an impact. I realize that I am truly just daydreaming about so many things.
I think that I will spend a little more time fishing for treasures amongst the "pocket litter"
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Many people have asked me what the best part about my time overseas was. I would have to say the sense of purpose. The camp that I lived at was very large, yet had no unemployment. No one is there without a purpose or a job. Everyone knows their job and role and how that impacts the whole mandate. It was truly a practical example of the way a body works. I had one job, and if I did my job well, others would have what they needed to do their job well. It is amazing how a sense of purpose raises the whole feel of an environment.
People walk taller, they speak with authority, there are none who are higher or lower and none who are mooching off the others. When you meet someone here in Canada and you ask them what they do for a living, we often use that to judge their value or worth. But in an environment where all have purpose and all are doing their job, when you ask someone what they do, it serves to show you one more piece of the overall puzzle.
The Bible talks about vision and purpose, and how without a vision the people perish-Proverbs 16:4 The LORD has made everything for its purpose,even the wicked for the day of trouble. And I have found it to be true that it is life-giving to have a purpose. Some people feel like they have no purpose...
Exodus 9:16 But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.
So rise up and take your purpose. Our pastor said on Sunday, if you are looking for your calling you don't need to.... we are all called to proclaim Christ, the difference for each person is in the HOW. What is your "How?" How has God uniquely equipped you for His service?
People walk taller, they speak with authority, there are none who are higher or lower and none who are mooching off the others. When you meet someone here in Canada and you ask them what they do for a living, we often use that to judge their value or worth. But in an environment where all have purpose and all are doing their job, when you ask someone what they do, it serves to show you one more piece of the overall puzzle.
The Bible talks about vision and purpose, and how without a vision the people perish-Proverbs 16:4 The LORD has made everything for its purpose,even the wicked for the day of trouble. And I have found it to be true that it is life-giving to have a purpose. Some people feel like they have no purpose...
Exodus 9:16 But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.
So rise up and take your purpose. Our pastor said on Sunday, if you are looking for your calling you don't need to.... we are all called to proclaim Christ, the difference for each person is in the HOW. What is your "How?" How has God uniquely equipped you for His service?
Friday, February 06, 2009
The Checklist
OK... so it begins...
Midweek sitting in my trackpants........ check
Reading excessive amounts of literature.......check
Wondering what I got myself into.......check
Hoping this will have some practical application.......check
Craving chips and pizza...... check and check
High liklihood of Kraft Dinner for lunch..... check
Yep..... its official! I am a student! What is next?? Mr. Noodles...... mmmmm Mr. Noodles, I think they sell them by the case............
I have just put into motion a lifelong dream and expectation of myself to complete my Bachelor's Degree. I have an opportunity now to do that online. I can't wait!
Here we go!
Midweek sitting in my trackpants........ check
Reading excessive amounts of literature.......check
Wondering what I got myself into.......check
Hoping this will have some practical application.......check
Craving chips and pizza...... check and check
High liklihood of Kraft Dinner for lunch..... check
Yep..... its official! I am a student! What is next?? Mr. Noodles...... mmmmm Mr. Noodles, I think they sell them by the case............
I have just put into motion a lifelong dream and expectation of myself to complete my Bachelor's Degree. I have an opportunity now to do that online. I can't wait!
Here we go!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Sad Sad Sad
This article appeared on CNN.com
The quote that stood out to me more than others:
The Army said it already has confirmed seven suicides, with 17 additional cases pending that it believes investigators will confirm as suicides for January.
If those prove true, more soldiers will have killed themselves than died in combat last month. According to Pentagon statistics, there were 16 U.S. combat deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq in January.
We need to pray. We need to lift up our troops.
The quote that stood out to me more than others:
The Army said it already has confirmed seven suicides, with 17 additional cases pending that it believes investigators will confirm as suicides for January.
If those prove true, more soldiers will have killed themselves than died in combat last month. According to Pentagon statistics, there were 16 U.S. combat deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq in January.
We need to pray. We need to lift up our troops.
Monday, February 02, 2009
You know it's a bad day when!
You know its a bad day when you turn to JOB and find encouragement!
In my bumpy road back to life here, I had a very bad weekend. It got to the point where on Sunday I was sitting in church (mostly because I really didn't want to answer the questions of why I didn't go!) all I could do was weep. I didn't know why, I couldn't put it into words, I just wanted to sit in the room where I knew God was going to be for sure, and be a little angry with Him, and be a little sad, and be a little out of sorts. As I sat there tuning in and out of the sermon I couldn't have even told you what was wrong. I opened my Bible for the first time in many days.
While I was away there was a scripture that a few of us had been talking about and I had put a bookmark there to re-read it later. I opened it yesterday and began to read. In Job 22:21-30 I saw something I had never seen before. We so often quote the Psalm "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart". I have, many times wanted to know more about what "delighting" means as regards to God- I suppose so that I could have the key to unlocking the rest... but that is for another day!- and here it was again, right in front of me:
26For then you will delight yourself in the Almighty and lift up your face to God
As I looked back into the previous verses, the bullet points hit me one after another.....
23: If you return to the Almighty
23: If you remove injustice from your hands
24: If you lay gold in the dust
With EVERYTHING in me... I want The Almighty to be that precious to me! I WANT to delight myself in Him, and I know that a place of delight will be all I desire.
There is a song that has been resonating through my soul for weeks.... it is by Steve Bell called "Here by the Water". It could really be this passage in Job set to music. Isn't it cool how God sets us up!
In my bumpy road back to life here, I had a very bad weekend. It got to the point where on Sunday I was sitting in church (mostly because I really didn't want to answer the questions of why I didn't go!) all I could do was weep. I didn't know why, I couldn't put it into words, I just wanted to sit in the room where I knew God was going to be for sure, and be a little angry with Him, and be a little sad, and be a little out of sorts. As I sat there tuning in and out of the sermon I couldn't have even told you what was wrong. I opened my Bible for the first time in many days.
While I was away there was a scripture that a few of us had been talking about and I had put a bookmark there to re-read it later. I opened it yesterday and began to read. In Job 22:21-30 I saw something I had never seen before. We so often quote the Psalm "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart". I have, many times wanted to know more about what "delighting" means as regards to God- I suppose so that I could have the key to unlocking the rest... but that is for another day!- and here it was again, right in front of me:
26For then you will delight yourself in the Almighty and lift up your face to God
As I looked back into the previous verses, the bullet points hit me one after another.....
23: If you return to the Almighty
23: If you remove injustice from your hands
24: If you lay gold in the dust
With EVERYTHING in me... I want The Almighty to be that precious to me! I WANT to delight myself in Him, and I know that a place of delight will be all I desire.
There is a song that has been resonating through my soul for weeks.... it is by Steve Bell called "Here by the Water". It could really be this passage in Job set to music. Isn't it cool how God sets us up!
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