Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy New Year

What can you say at the beginning of a new year, a clean slate, yet one where the echos-both good and bad- from the last year, still reverberate in your ears? I am not even sure how to approach this new year. I feel like I need to put the whole world on pause for a month or two and just process what God did in my life last year, and to gain some focus for this year. But obviously that isn't going to happen.

I am still a woman without a direction..... I have purpose and hopes yet I am waiting on God to point to the next step. There are things that I want to accomplish this year, but mostly I just want MORE.... MORE of God, more intimacy with Him. I had planned to start the year with fasting and prayer, and I got a good start but then my body melted down... almost literally. The back pain was so bad, that I didn't even realize that I had bronchitis- although I did wonder how back pain causes a fever! I got medication for the back and it revealed the level of the other illness.

I suppose that can be a metaphor for life, right? We get so caught up in the debilitating pain of what we think God has "done to us" or at the very least "allowed" in our lives that we can miss the reality that we are choking on something else entirely!

I don't think that it is a coincidence that I got sooo sick the same week I had planned to fast. I have found a few times recently that when I feel like God is planning something big, and I am intentional about getting alongside what God is doing, that I will randomly get sick. When I say randomly..... I mean RANDOMLY! I few months ago, everything was great... feeling good, the morning of the encounter weekend, I woke up with a mild fever and a weak feeling. I was determined to be there because I knew what God was going to be doing, so I persevered. I am hesitant to give the enemy too much credit, however, I do think that we need to be alert to his schemes.

I have a sense that this year is going to be huge.. another level of what God did last year. There is an urgency I can't quite explain. Like even now on the 4th of January, I see that in a few weeks it will be Easter, and then May, and then all of a sudden I know that we will be facing another Winter. It is strange that this sense of urgency is combined with a willingness to invest the time into getting something right. If it takes 3 months for the next step, than that is how long it will take. I don't feel like it is a long time. I am not explaining this well.....

I have a feeling that by the end of January there will be a lot more clarity, and that there is something major coming in March.

Hold on tight, it's gonna a 'fun'!!!


Jenn said...

Well said and so true for me as well! Thanks for a great post.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what's up this year.

~Steph~ said...

Funny how that works out. I definitely think that the devil has something to do with the fact that you get sick everytime you have something big in store with God. But i'm happy that you don't abandon everything because of it.

In regards to everything else, I really feel that you will have a bigger purpose and a clearer direction this year Laura. You've been putting so much into it, and i think that this year you will be reaping from it. Continue pressing in and i can't wait to see what will unfold the next few months!!