Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Husband of My Own

As a single women, I am continually seeking a relationship with God that fills all the needs in my life. I seek Him in the morning for the strength and purpose for the day, I chat with Him throughout the day if I am lonely, have a question, or if He lays someone on my heart. I have learned that, in many situations, that there is ABSOLUTELY nothing that I can do to change the outcomes. Whether it is a friend in need who is making what I think is a poor choice, or the hurt of a friend going through a touch situation.

I really don't like the feeling that there is nothing that I can do to change things, but I know that God can do anything.

There is an intimacy with our relationship that I don't think has eve existed before, I want to do more, be more, and accomplish more for Him, in His strength.

The one thing that God cannot do.... GASP...... is change a tire!

I had a situation this weekend, where I had a completely flat tire, normally I would just call my roadside assistance, but I was on my way to host a 60th birthday party for my dad, and couldn't spare the time to wait! I was fighting the overwhelming feeling that was gathering, and trying to reassess the situation, when I received a phone call from a friend- I happened to be in line at the gas station to see if I could leave my car there for a few hours. I told him that I would be late to meet up with the group and explained the situation.

As we were leaving the gas station, one of the men in line a head of me, turned and said "can I change your tire for you?".

I was shocked that a complete stranger would make an offer like this! I was cold and he was likely on his way somewhere... I, of course, took him up on his offer and began to empty the trunk so that he could get at the spare and the jack. As I began to lift the stuff out of the trunk, he came around and said "let me do that for you, you guys go get warm!!!!" I am getting better at accepting assistance, but I still have a hard time not 'paying' for it by doing as much as I can to limit how much work people actually have to do! My friend Leah, who was with me, also had her car, and so we sat in her car, and got warm while this amazing man changed my tire!!!

As we sat there, watching this complete stranger go so completely out of his way for me, I was overwhelmed at how well God takes care of us! Although God normally doesn't change tires, He did conspire to have that man there, and have that phone call come in, so that I could be assisted... how amazing a husband is that??? He is truly everything that I need...

It is my prayer that this man who so generously bailed us out of trouble would be completely blessed beyond measure this week!


Anonymous said...

Laura... this is an example of God's goodness to your life... and in the form of a man too... not bad!

Donna said...

Amazing. I love how God provides.