Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This will be like that.....

I have posted a couple of times about the story of David, when he spoke to Saul before going against Goliath. He recalls his past achievements-killing a lion and a bear- and says to Saul "this will be like one of those"
As soon as I read that a couple of months ago, I KNEW that it was a significant scripture. I didn't know why or for what purpose, but I knew that it was going to be a changing scripture in my life.
I posted a couple of weeks ago about those experiences, and how I am going to 'enroll' in seminars on killing "bears" and "lions"because I know that there is a Goliath coming in my life that will go beyond my current experience, yet I need to have those experiences to draw on.
A plan is beginning to take shape, but the precursor to this is fitness.

I have begun to work out hardcore with the assistance of a well trained gym employee who has offered her services - and her friendship. In the course of a month and a half, I have gone from saying "I hate the gym" to lying in bed this morning, trying to find an excuse that would over-ride my desire to get up and go!! It is amazing when you begin to share an experience with someone, and you find that you can do much more than you ever thought possible. Somehow, a weight that I didn't think I could lift once, is too light at the end of 3 sets! It doesn't make sense. Each day is another piece of evidence that says... whatever God calls you to, He also equips you for. I can look back to yesterday and remember what I accomplished, and know that I am stronger today than I was yesterday, and I will be stronger tomorrow. The next weight level is another "this will be like that" moment.
Ultimately, I know that this is not a journey toward a weight-lifting title, it is more about the journey than the destination. I am enjoying though, the destruction of the lies of the enemy that have, for so long, kept me from seeing the fullness of my destiny.

Is there a "Goliath" in your life, that you need to be convinced, in God's power, you can overcome?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder. There is a goliath and I think I'm more ready than ever to slay that beast!

Heidi said...

Awesome analogy!!! Yeah there is a Goliath in my life. I'm like Hope I'm more than to slay the beast.