Friday, December 08, 2006

Rubbing Shoulders

I just had the most amazing experience!!
As a thank you for some volunteer work that I did this year I was invited to a major fundraising even for the Ottawa Food Bank. It was a fancy affair, many dignitaries were there and lots of "known" people serving the buffet. I went with some work colleagues who had all contributed throughout the year.

At one point it was announced that the Prime Minister was in the building and we decided that we were going to go and meet him and try to get a picture. As we went over there was the usual security contingent and as we tried to jockey to get close, a woman with a walkie-talkie asked what we were doing. I told her what we wanted, her response was "I don't think that's gonna happen" as if somehow we were not good enough!! Well that just made us more resolved to make it happen!

I turned to get a better position, and out of the corner of my eye I realized that one of the men in my group was standing posed with the Prime Minister!!! I stepped in behind them and got in the picture. Mr Harper was very patient as someone in our group tried to take a picture with a disposable camera! Once, twice three times he tried as we were there, suddenly, an official man with a beautiful camera stepped in and took an OFFICIAL Parliamentary photo!

Before walking away, Mr. Harper stopped, looked me in the eye, asked my name and said "it was nice to meet you Laura".

As soon as I have a copy of the photo, I will post it here!

There is a lesson to be learned here! Seizing an opportunity that is presented can often net a bigger success than you were willing to settle for.

Isn't that just like GOD? I went to the event hoping to see some famous faces, perhaps flirted with a Hockey player or two. I would have been excited to grab a grainy, out of focus, picture as the Prime Minister walked past, and yet here we were POSED for an official photo!

I have been constantly reminded lately through circumstances and situations, that our God is not the God of just enough. He is the God of the ABUNDANT blessings that we cannot even imagine. If we are humble and not presumptuous, He will take what we ask and multiply it!

For you, meeting the PM might not be a big deal, but there is something else that you are wanting. It is good to believe God for enough, but maybe just maybe He has an unforgettable moment in store!


Anonymous said...

I just had to comment - you know why! I bet you I know who took your picture - he or she, but I think it was he, is a great photographer! Thanks for reminding me just how special my job was and how blessed I am to have had such a great experience working with the person you just wrote about.

I just loved reading your story - it made me smile and I am so glad that you got your picture!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!
that's soooooo awesome!!! my jealous meter is pretty high @ the moment lol. anyways, i'm very happy that you got to meet him and pose for the pic, that's a real blessing! and i definitely think that meeting ppl in the political sphere is important, they are the ones running our country and ever move!!! i met Peter McKay last summer and i thought it was the end of the world, so i definitely know how you feel!
well have an amazing day, and good luck meeting more political celebrities!!!

Laura said...

Ranelle, you do have a cool job, I haven't seen the picture yet but I am sure he did a great job.

They are lucky to have YOU there!

Anonymous said...

That is really cool Laura. A few weeks ago, we had Prime Minister Harper's wife in our store. Of course some people didn't know who she was(me included) until they saw her body guard, etc. It was really neat. I love what you said though...when we ask, He does answer and he does muliply. God did that for us just this past week. I will fill you all in with a blog sometime this week.
Keep expecting him to give you SOMEONE absolutely incredible!!!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Laura:

God is Great,eh! That is so cool that you got that photo op with the Prime Minister of Canada, wow.

Peace and blessings to you in Jesus' name I pray:
