Saturday, December 23, 2006


I am so excited about this Christmas!!!

I have had to remind myself everyday that is actually is Christmas. The weather here has been..... ODD. I am not complaining. I truly don't mind not slogging through the snow, or having to scrape off my car... again! But it is easy to forget. Despite the trimmings and the shopping .... and the cleaning.

I am hosting Christmas this year. Everyone is coming to me. I have been thinking about this for a couple of months now, and I am excited about the prospect- and a little nervous.
Last month I was sick for a couple of weeks, and so I fell behind in the cleaning department. Also, I have been in my house for almost a year, so there are some things that in all the busyness have been forgotten.... ceiling fan blades, spiderwebs in the occasional corner... normal stuff. There are cupboards whose contents don't make any sense but I haven't needed them for anything else, so I have left stuff where it got shoved during the first few months of unpacking.

With the one year anniversary of my move coming up, I am also finally feeling "settled" in-until recently, I still had a couple of boxes that I would move around as I needed the space they were occupying! I am starting to think a lot about paint colours, and I feel like I "know the place" now. And as I see what I want to change with paint and pillows and perhaps a hammer, I also am beginning to see the flaws.

I suppose it is that way with everything. In the newness of any situation, you don't see the details, and that is good, however the challenge becomes staying content when those flaws start to appear.

I have had to fight the urge to take on major projects in the last month or so, projects that would never be ready for Christmas, but which would make ME look like such a domestic DIVA at Christmas. In keeping with the spirit of this year I have decided to just bite off what I can chew!

I will admit that I have done more cleaning that would be normal, and done a lot of rearranging to make room and to 'clean' my spirit and get ready for the new year.

It got me thinking today, we know that Christmas is coming, we count down the days, deep clean our homes and our spirits- I know you behave in December just in case Santa is peeking!
A new dress, new sparkly earrings, perhaps a pair of strappy sandals, new napkins, special table cloth, new recipes, all to make this special time more beautiful- and so we should!

I wonder, though, what would have happened if the world had known the exact date of Jesus' birth.

Likely the Jewish leaders would have made sure to have the nicest hotel room available - perhaps have a royal physician standing by for the birth. As Jesus grew up he likely would have attended all of the best schools.

If the world had known at the time who He was likely we would have never met the woman at the well, He wouldn't have needed to cross the lake to the other side to get a moment's rest from the crowds, and might never have calmed the waves. He certainly wouldn't have been "allowed" to choose 12 ordinary young men to walk with Him everywhere. Zacheas likely wouldn't have needed to be in a tree because he had the money to buy the front row seats that likely would have been on sale- and so no life changing public calling.

So much of Jesus ministry could not have taken place had "the church" accepted Him as messiah earlier... in fact, they wouldn't have had cause to put Him to death! One of the most amazing things that I have come to appreciate about God is His ability to take us as we are.

So this Christmas season stop for a moment and everytime you see a "flaw" let it remind you that God knows every flaw, and that if we were too "clean" He would have no reason to stick around and guide us day to day!


Anonymous said...

Hey Laura,

i hope you had a very blessed and enjoyable christmas!! How did Christmas @ your place end up? What did you get for xmas???

As for the preparations for xmas, although cleaning and fixing is extremely tedious around this time of year, at least it helps you get done things that you would otherwise put off! lol. i actually cleaned up lots this year, but my situation is different now that i don't live on my own. Your house is already very clean though, so i'm sure it must not of been that bad.

As for what you wrote about Jesus' birth, i also wonder what things would've been like if ppl had known the exact date of his birth. But it's true, if they would have known, things would've been extremely different, and ppl would've had much time to prepare for it. But like his 2nd coming, it's probably better not to know, that way ppl can have the choice of accepting him or not, but if they knew the exact date of his coming, ppl would probably live sinful lives up until the day before... It's a wonderful thing that he was born in such a random place, it just proves that you don't need to have money or a lavish home... if Jesus was born in a barn, then it just shows that we're all equal, it shouldn't make a difference where you came from.

Anyways that's enough rambling for me, i hope you have an awesome day, enjoy the rest of the holidays!!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Laura:

I love the choice you made to, "just bite off what I can chew" to help keep your spirit from attack and allowing you to fully enjoy this CHRISTmas season. I'm going to keep that one in mind, thanks.

And I totally hear you and Steph in your thoughts on how God works through everyday situations to break through our preconceived human thoughts and judgements to show us His True Beauty, Grace ,and Power. He is soooooo amazing!

I pray your CHRISTmas and new year is full of blessings.

Peace and blessings I pray to you in Jesus' Holy name:


Anonymous said...

P.S. I have a new blog too and my son Jordan has one too here they are if you are interested.

Holy Spirit Help


Jordans Mind


Peace and blessings to you in Jesus' name I pray:


Trayce said...

Now that's something that I never really have thought about: "what would have happened if the world had known the exact date of Jesus' birth."
I loved your thoughts on this.

How was your Christmas? How many people did you have over? It's a lot of work, eh?

Up until Christmas 2005, we always went to our family's place for Christmas - but two Christmas' ago we hosted. I couldn't believe how much work went into one meal! And this is not even including all the preparation days and weeks before the actual day. I felt really bad about how little I had helped my mom and my mother in-law in all the years they had been hosting. Sure I helped with dishes, but I didn't help with much else. Now I can see how incredibly helpful it is for someone to bring even a dish of sweet potatoes!

Anyway, I can relate to this post. I have felt like everything had to be perfect! I used to clean out my fridge and cupboards when people came over for dinner! Isn't that dumb? Even my linen closet. As if to say, "oh yeah, my house is always this clean". I still do take the opportunity to clean out my fridge when we have company, but I am not afraid to tell our guests that I have been slaving away & that my house is not always this perfectly clean.
I used to feel like I had this image that I needed to keep up with. Not only my house had to be clean, but I had to look perfect. My hair and makeup done up at all times.
I can't remember exactly when this all changed, but I do remember making this decision that I wanted people to see the real me - flaws and all. This image that I was giving people was unrealistic - it was mentally exhausting and a lot of work. I got to the place where I actually wanted people to SEE my flaws. It was really great! I let everyone see me without makeup now and I don't care one bit. This is ME, and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. When people come by unexpectedly, toys may be everywhere...the dining room table covered with flyers, dishes in the sink - and I don't feel the need to make excuses.

I think it's really important to be transparent - to let people see our flaws. It makes people feel comfortable and it encourages others to put their guard down and just be real. The world really focuses on perfection, and it's unattainable.

Like you said, Laura, God knows every flaw, and if we were too "clean" He would have no reason to stick around and guide us day to day!