Friday, May 09, 2008

The Lord's Prayer

Do you ever feel like your voice is lost in the millions of voices?

In the province of Ontario there is a push to remove the Lord's Prayer from being read at the opening of sessions. This has long been a contentious issue all over the country. At the risk of sounding like an alarmist Christian, I think that one of the reasons that Ontario is struggling financially is because we have a leader who is working very hard to abolish all things of God. He is seeking to win a greater base of voters by pushing a heavy multi-cultural agenda. Unfortunately in our Canadian culture, multi-cultural ism has created a situation where, often, it seems like the minorities' cultures are valued above traditional Canadian cultures.

We no longer say "Merry Christmas", the Lord's Prayer has been removed from schools, and teachers are required to give all religions equal time - even when they are not adequately qualified to represent those faiths with accuracy!

So you can have a say...

If you want a simple way to be part of the legislative process.

Please go to which is our Legislature Assembly website. Scroll down the page to click Consultation on prayer in the Legislature Assembly. You only need to fill in the 3 yellow shaded areas marked with *.

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